FavremyMemory 5 +1

643 18 10

Requested by MelissaC3000

Five times Memory accidently erased someone's memory and the one time he wanted to.

No second part for 5 +1 but it's an idea for a senorio to happen 5 times and doesn't for 1 or vise versa, anyone request this if they want.

Spent almost a week on this, worth it


Memory has always been a shy Steve, blessed and cursed with a power to erase others memories; whether it be just a few minutes or someone's whole life. Unfortunately, as stated in the beginning, these powers were a blessing and a curse - more of a curse in Memory's opinion - and he accidently erased others memories, ruining several lives along with his.

1) Anger

Memory was just created a few days ago, taking the appearance of a five year old. He had no clue on what to do, he just wondered the word with little luck of finding another being. One day Memory stumbled upon a village and was instantly taken in by a small Villager family consisting of a father, mother and a daughter. The Villagers were nice minus a few who wary of the newcomer. Memory was happy for a few months, but this was the beginning of his lonely and hateful life.

The Steve was playing with his adoptive sister, Saran when two Villager boys a few years older then Memory walk over.

"Saran, how can you and your family stand living with that thing?" The first one asked then the second one added, "He's not a Villager or one of those Players so he must be one of those freaky entities."

Looking down in embarrassment and shame, Saran came to her adoptive brother's defense.

"Why don't you mind your own business?" Saran snapped, "He's a good person and a great little brother"

The first scoff, "Come on Sar, everyone knows you and your family are using that thing as a replacement for Eli. We get that you miss your kid brother but you're doing no one any good by keeping it and using him as something to heal the void"

When Saran didn't speak, Memory knew that was the truth, his 'sister' wasn't one to stand done. Looking at the Villager female with teary eyes, the Steve asked, 

"I-Is that true? Am I a r-replacement?"

"Mem, I, we" Saran signed, "I'm sorry, we didn't want you to find  out, not like this"

"M-Mom and dad seen me as a r-replacement?"

"I'm sorry" Saran whispered.

"Ha! See unlike you, we don't lie unlike some people" The second boy snickered.

Memory looked down and mumbled something.

"Speak up cry thingy"

"Cry thingy? Really?" The first deadpad.

"I hate you" Memory said louder, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you! I hate all of you!"

Memory looked the three with hate filled eyes then there was a flash of white. The Steve ran away before he could see what he had done to the three Villager children. Only a few weeks later did Memory came back to hear that Saran and the other two lost all of thier memories, unable to recongize anyone, even their family. What makes it worse, Saran's parents separted due to her mom going mad for losing her other child and her dad was force to look after his daughter while suffering the pain for losing his son, wife and practically his daughter. As for the boys, the older (first) was so scared and overwelm that he ran away and his fate was sealed by a creeper (sad awe man). Memory was unable to hear about the second boy as the Villagers walked away.

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