YellowSabre Part 2

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Thank you That_one_friend- for this idea 'I really want a part 2 rn where sabre remembers being blue or something like that-'

Modifying it a bit. No more parts


"Blue?" Sabre asked looking at the Yellow King once he got over the dizziness, "Who's Blue?"

"You're Blue, don't you remember your own name?" Yellow King asks, "I guess he did more damage than I thought"

"Who? What are you going on about? Listen I don't know what's going on between you and Rainbow, but Rainbow doesn't remember anything about his past or anything about him in general, just some fragments"

"He knows what he had done, he's just playing with you."

"Playing with me? Okay I think you officially lost your mind" Sabre huffed, "I'm going to find Rainbow and- oof!"

Just as Sabre's feet touch the ground, the Yellow Steve was in front of him in an instant and picked him then set him back on the bed.

"You're hurt Blue, you shouldn't move" Yellow King worriedly, "The injuries that Steve caused you"

The brunet glared at the other, "Rainbow didn't hurt me, you attacked us, you didn't let either of us explain before doing so"

Once again Sabre tried to get up but the Steve pushed him further into the bed. 

"Will you stop!? I'm not Blue, I'm Sabre! A human, not a Steve!"

"You are Blue, just different, He made you forget so he could trick you. He's the villain here, I only wish to protect you" Yellow King explained, "I was given a second chance just like you Blue, you must remember so we can take him down"

"Okay, you're obliviously not listening" Sabre signs, "You know what, I'm out of here"

Using all of his strength, the brunet shoved the Yellow King away then ran out the room and into the ruined hallways. As for the king, he was dumbfounded for a few moments before coming back to his senses.

'That monster, he probably brainwashed him again' Yellow King angerly thought, 'I have to show Blue that that monster is not his friend and is just using him'


"Rainbow! Rainbow! Where are you?!" Sabre shouted through the halls, "Rainbow if you can hear me, we have to leave! Now!"

Rainbow heard his friend's shouting and ran towards it, "Sabre! Where are you!?"

 The two shouted for each other until they say each other down a rather long hallway. Wasting no time, they ran to each other only to halt when the Yellow King appeared close to Sabre but faced Rainbow with his gold sword out.

"I won't let you trick him again Rainbow."

"What is wrong with you?! We just wanted to know what happened and help you, but you attacked us and took Sabre!" Rainbow shouted in frustration.

"I won't risk you hurting him again" The King declared, "Blue was one of the nicest Steves I've ever met, and you took his life away. Now that he has a second chance, I won't allow history to repeat itself"

You Decide - Steve Saga(4) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now