FavremyNight Part 2

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Requested by cozybear_FirekittyqueenDarkBlossom27Itzcrystall0816


Making sure his mate was fast asleep, Nightmare left the room, locking the door so no one can get in and the brunet can't get out. Though the siren doesn't have to worry about the latter with the boy's disability. Swimming to the main room where the vast majority of the servants were, Nightmare ordered them to get the rest for he has a announcement to make. Not wanting to anger their king, everyone gathered in the room within 10 minutes. Once confirmed that everyone was present, Nightmare told them he found his mate and if anyone dares lay even a hand on him, they will be sentence to death.

Servants who worked for the king for several years could see that his mood had lighten up a bit now finding his mate, but only hope the poor soul can survive his mood changes. As for the rest, they were scared or jealous of the king's mate. Jealous because some wanted to get to the king for riches and power. Seeing how everyone responded, Nightmare dismissed them and headed back to his room where his little jewel is probably awake by now. 

Going back to Sabre, he woke up merely moments ago and called out for the man who brought him here. His voice filled with fear the longer he went without a response and was to the point he was whimpering and crying while hugging himself. When the door opened, Sabre found himself engulf in strong arms and cradled.

"Shh, I'm here, don't cry little jewel" Nightmare whispered in his ear while rubbing his tail to calm him.

"S-Sir?" Sabre sniffled and curled himself further into the, who he thinks, older man, "Wh-What happened? Where are we? What's-"

Nightmare silent him by lifting his chin so he can look into those grey orbs he desired, "You're still in my room, I had to take care of something"

"Y-Your r-room?" Sabre gulped, "Y-You're t-the k-king"

Now this surprised the siren, he hasn't told the boy anything about him.

"What makes you think that?" Nightmare asked, trying to contain his anger. He didn't want the boy know who he is, he made that clear to everyone.

"Th-That lady said something about me being in the king's room a-and" Sabre trailed off feeling the grasp tighten.

To say Nightmare was angry was an understatement, he was beyond furious but tried to stay calm for his mate's sake. That servant messed up his plan for the boy, now he wished he had let her live so he could have torture her more.

"That is true, I am the king" Nightmare almost grinned when Sabre's eyes widened.

Sabre apologized and tried to move out of the siren's arms, but the king wasn't having it as he pinned the brunet onto the bed, and put a hand on his chest so he couldn't move.

"M-My K-King?" Sabre panicked, "I-I'm sorry, I-"

"Shh" Nightmare brushed some hair out of Sabre's face then took his chin in his hand, "There's nothing to be sorry about, I brought you here for a reason, my precious jewel"

"W-Why do you keep on calling me that?" Sabre asked.

"Isn't it proper to give one's mate an appropriate title?"

"M-Mate?!" Sabre nearly shouted, "M-My king please, I'm not of age yet!"

Nightmare smirk, he knows the boy is under age, just by two years. After he first met Sabre, the siren gathered information about his mate to the final details. The only reason he was there was because of miscommunication that everyone nearing the age must come, not only those of age. That didn't mean Nightmare couldn't make his claim on the boy, make everyone know that when he comes of age that no one else can have him. He was going to make the blind boy all his, no matter the age. 

"I know, that's why I'm going to put my claim on you know, can't let anyone take my precious jewel" Nightmare chuckle then leaned down to whisper, "You know how sirens are with the things they collect, you are the main item"

"I'm not an object!" Sabre growled.

The king was surprise at this and, for a moment, there was a fire with those clouded grey eyes.

"I know" Nightmare said, the hand that held Sabre's chin slid down to his stomach, "but that doesn't change the fact I'm going to keep you forever."

Sabre's breath hitch when he felt a sharp nail circling around his stomach.

 "I hope you enjoyed your freedom, because there is no escaping me" Nightmare said.

"P-Please, I-I don't want this"

The king wiped away the tears that fell down his soon-to-be mate, "Don't worry, you'll come to love me. Even if you don't, I'll make sure you do"

The mermaid cried as Nightmare's sharp nail pierced the skin on his hip to make his mark that represent his claim on Sabre until he becomes of age when he will fully take the brunet.


Word count: 839

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