Family of Mine Part 2

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Choice made by Naiaazul27

I honestly forgot what I was going to write for this but trying Among Us style.


Shadow occasionally glanced at the group behind him, he was about to reveal the biggest secret his family hid for years from the world. He felt guilty about Mr. Favre, he was nothing but kind to them, yet he'll be part of his pain. 

Light subconsciously held onto Vi's arm as they walked, not the latter minded for one reason or another. Frankly, if Light wasn't with him, he would have run off already as he hated walking at night, even with people with him. As for Light, he was scared for where they were going and for his brother. All the boy wanted was to go home, eat with his family and go to sleep, not follow his friend so late. Next to them was Reverse thinking how he's going to strangle Rainbow for worrying them and making him all the work for a school project.

'Funny how things come around.'

Soon they arrived at a lone house seemingly unoccupied for years. Shadow opened the door, going in after Sabre insisted for him too, the man doesn't trust him at all. With Vi and Reverse's help, Shadow revealed a secret door behind a bookcase with stairs going down. Downstairs is where they met Dark who was frantically typing on a keyboard with three monitors displaying video, code and other things they couldn't make out.

Beyond the glass was a large area with at least twelve pods with something in them. Dark turned hearing the door open to see his brother and their friends.

"Shadow" Dark hugged his brother, "Thank Notch you're okay."

"Is everything alright? Are they...?"

"Yes, I manage to find a way to unlock the pods, just trying to wake them up." Dark look to the father, "I'm really sorry Mr. Favre, Shadow and I-."

 The boy was cut off when Sabre walked past them to the monitors Dark was working on, "So this is what your family involved you two in?"

The brothers look at each other then to the brunet.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Light asked.

Sabre didn't answer his son before hitting a button that unlocked the pods to reveal-

"Rainbow!" Light shouted seeing his brother.

"Plague?!" Reverse gasped, "Infinity?!"

"That's Blue and Yellow from my science class" Vi pointed out, "I recognized the others from missing posters: Memory, Ghost and Librarian."

Oddly, all of them were wearing some kind of suit with colors being the only difference: Rainbow in red, Plague in lime, Ghost in white, Memory in black, Infinity in orange, Blue in blue, and Yellow in yellow. The remainder of the pods had only the suits and seemed worn already: pink, purple, green, cyan, black and brown. 

"How did-?!"

"Well, well, isn't this a surprise, been sometime hasn't, Elan?" 

Everyone turned to see a man in front of the stairs they were just on.

"U-Uncle?!" Dark shouted in fear and pulled his brother behind him, "W-What are you doing here?"

The group went closer to the brothers, fearing the man more than anything.

"You wouldn't think I wouldn't know about your plan?" The man chuckled, "You two are as foolish as your father."

Dark growled, "Don't talk about our dad like that! He's smart, could have destroyed everything here and you!"

"Please, your father was a fluster idiot who went in rage for things not going his way. Your mother is a different story, she was a difficult one to crack, but ended up losing her life for my pathetic, idiotic brother. Such a shame, she was a pretty lady, what she saw in him will remain a question." The man grin, "And my dear nephew, he had no clue what I had plan."

Shadow hugged his brother tightly.

"And yet their father outsmarted you time and time again in the past." Sabre chuckled, "You have forgotten how serious he can get."

The man's face fell just a bit turning to the brunet, "Ah, Elan, my old friend, what brings you here? It's been years since I last saw you, I believe you were expecting twin boys."

He glanced to the group, his eyes met with a light pair of grey eyes, "I'm guessing that boy is one of them, he's a lighter version of you."

Vi took a defensive stand in front of Light.

"You know our uncle Mr. Favre?" Shadow asked.

"I was, almost seventeen years ago that was." Sabre shook his head, ignoring Shadow's question yet answering it, "Time really flies. Speaking of which, I see you haven't changed at all, still the same psychopathic who doesn't know he had lost."

The man glared at the brunet, "What are you even doing here? You have no business here at all, not you or any of these kids."

"I do actually, you took my son." Sabre smiled though his eyes told a different story, "We're getting him and the others out of those pods and go home."

"Hm, how unfortunately, guess the term father like son will come in play" The man chuckled, but stopped seeing Sabre's face, "Come on Elan, the experiment has already begun, you know how it goes."


Sabre looked at Light then to where his attention was: a weird slime. The teenagers stared at the thing in fear and curiosity as it crawled slowly around the room.

"Dark, get my son and everyone else out of here." Sabre ordered.

Light's grey eyes widen and went to his father, "Dad, we have to get Bow, we can't leave him or the others!"

"Don't worry, I'll get your brother back. I don't want to worry about you while I do so, just get out of here." Sabre hugged his oldest.

"My, my, I should have taken that boy." The man laughed, breaking the father-son moment, "He would have fooled anyone with innocence, how can you even have a child like that Elan? After everything you have done?"

Lighr hugged his dad tighter, Sabre did the same and his smile turned to a frown.

"I was going to let you go with just a punch or two, but, well, what do you think about we play our old game?" 

The man's eyes widened when Sabre pulled out a knife, "H-How do you-?!"

"It's you who never learns." Sabre removed himself from his son, pushing him slightly to the rest of the teens which he picked up on.

The man took a step back as Sabre moved his bangs away from his face.

"I never finished my turn." 

Fear filled black eyes stared into grey eyes though a red tint started to engulf them.

"Let's finish what's been started, partner."


Word count: 1084

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