FavremyNight Part 6

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Negative thrashed in his father's hold, even his strength wasn't enough to escape, and he was quite strong in both senses. Infinity smiled thoughtfully as he carried his son just as he did when he was a mere youngling. Negative is such a good child with a big heart and thinks of everyone's best interest, especially his family's. However, as of late, other beings have been influencing his son's ideals, making him more rebellious and that is not allowed. 

Positive swam next to them while holding Negative's hand. He was so close in losing him big brother to those pests, his big brother was almost taken by other's words just like their 'mom' did years ago. Positive never liked his mom, she always tried to separate them when they were children and get Negative to play with others. But Negative was his and his dad's, no one is allowed to have him but them.

Soon they arrived at their assigned room. Infinity placed Negative on the bed where he was trapped in a hug by Positive.

"Let me go Positive!" Negative growled as he attempted to shake his brother off.

"No, this is your punishment for trying to leave" Infinity said, "We already told you that you need no one but your brother and I, we are all you have and will ever need"

"I'm almost an adult! I should be branching away and starting my own life! Not being held by my own family!" Negative huffed then mumbled, "I should have left with mom"

In an instant, Negative was pushed on his back with the other two hovering over him, trapping him once again. Yellow eyes widened slightly as ruby and yellow ones stared back.

"Don't you dare say that Negative" Infinity growled, "You're my son, not hers, not anyone else's! You're my little boy!"

"She wanted to take you away from me! We are brothers and she wanted to tear us apart! You're only meant to be my big brother only!"

"I'm not some object!" Negative shouted unable to hold back, "Just stop treating me like one! I hate this family! I hate being a prisoner in my own home! Now another is trapped because of this dumb curse!"

"Oh, big brother" Positive grinned, "Do you feel better?"

"Does nothing I say phase you?!"

"It does, but I can't be angry at you big brother. At the end of the day, you wouldn't dare leave. You're too kind to do such thing, too innocent and naïve like I always wanted"

"You may not be affected by the curse my dear son, but you became an obsession" Infinity brush Negative's hair aside, "My sweet, innocent boy. Even if you did escape, my brother would send everything to find you. After all you are his favorite nephew"

Negative stayed silent for a moment then signed, there's no talking to his family, "Will I see Sabre?" 'Might as well keep another company'

"If you're a good boy" Infinity cooed, "Only good boys get rewards"

"And as long it's only you two" Positive added, "I don't want anyone but a select few near you. I want my big brother to stay the same"

"You know I have to grow up, right? We all do" Negative dead pad.

"We'll see my boy" Infinity chuckled.

"What's going to happen to those two? Guardian and that girl?"

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