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Elemental Steve and Time Steve

Requested and prompt by somerando73

-I had a one-shot idea. It's platonic Time x Elemental, just cute fluffy stuff. 
-So, it takes place in the Steve Saga, during the Time Steve vs Elemental episode. Here's the plot: 
-It had been raining really hard all day on the day before the fight. Elemental decided to practice fighting outside, even though it was raining, 'cause he's just stubborn like that. The next day, he teleports to the fight, and Time immediately notices that something's off. He brushes it off, but during the fight, it becomes more and more obvious that Elemental caught a cold. After a few minutes, Elemental just straight-up falls out of the sky, because it's just a really bad cold, and Time Steve decides to stop the battle, for obvious reasons. Then he decides to take care of his sick bro because why not. Meanwhile, Sabre and Rainbow are just silently dying of cuteness. 
                 Time: kind, caring, generally wholesome 
                 Elemental: basically, a whiny teenager, kinda grumpy 
                 Sabre: momma bear, but also chill dad 
                 Rainbow: spunky, chaotic, has waaaay too much energy

Adding my twists of course


He should have stayed in the in between today. 


He should have stayed in the in between yesterday, when there was a down pour.

Elemental sneezed then signed, 'Out of everything, I miss Sabre's nagging.'

The Steve pulled out a potion of healing, it would help his symptoms temporarily, but it should last long enough for him to defeat his brother. Gulping the pink liquid down, Elemental headed to Sabre's cabin where he would find his opponent.


Both Steves panted, neither were expecting the other's strength, especially Elemental; Time has grown stronger, more than he ever thought. Unfortunately, for Elemental as well, the effects of the potion were wearing off and his cold was returning.

Elemental's vision started to blurry, the last thing he heard was screaming and sensed a familiar energy but passed out before pinpointing it.


Elemental woke up on something soft and feeling better than earlier.

'What happened?'

"You passed out." The Steve quickly turned to see his brother by the door of the room with a book in hand. His golden eyes pierced Elemental's. "I thought you were smarter than to fight when you're sick, and here you're supposed to the older one." 

Elemental flinch at Time's voice, it was usually calm and collect, but the anger was apparent. He really messed up.

"H-How did I get here?"

Time said nothing for a moment, "I was going bring you to the in between, but Sabre wanted to make sure you healed properly so we're at his cabin. He wasn't happy to find potions of healing in your satchel, that itself was idiotic even for you. Using those when you have a cold? You really haven't learned anything."


"I'll be back" Time interrupted, getting up and walk to the door, "Sabre wanted to know when you woke up. You're his problem."

Elemental felt his heart sink at his brother's words. He couldn't believe Time thought he was a problem.


He isn't, is he?

Sure, there were things he did that hurt others: helping Nightmare, tricking Sabre and Rainbow, fighting his brother, wanting the artifacts for his own, torturing....

"What have I done?" Elemental realized, clutching his hair with his fists, "What have I done?! I am a problem; I am the problem. I hurt some many, including my baby brother! I hurt kind beings like Sabre!" 

He didn't know when, but Elemental started to cry, curling up as the pain in his chest increased. Thoughts about how he treated his brother ran through his head.

How long Elemental stayed in that position was unknown, but he resurfaced feeling himself pulled into a hug.

"You're not the problem."

Elemental's eyes widened hearing his brother's voice but made no movement.

"You just don't think and push your ideas" Time signed, he started to play with the elder's hair, "Look, I know you're trying to prove something to me, I get it, but that doesn't change the fact that I can't remember anything."

"I know" Elemental whimpered, he wrapped his arms around Time's waist, scared of him leaving, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Time said nothing more as he continued to play with Elemental's hair. He wanted to be angry, he really wanted to, but...

'Sometimes I question why I look up to you, but that's for younger me to know.'

"Time, I'm sorry for everything, I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing" 

"Sorry, I- I didn't know still cared about me."

Time tap Elemental's head, "That should be my line, I stopped believing you cared about me a few years ago, though I couldn't stop caring about you."

Elemental flinched, "I-I, I really messed up, Time, I always cared about you. I just-"

"Wanted me to remember, I know." Time signed, "Elemental, if you remember, I can recall our past, as in you and me, but not of our guardians."

"I know, and I should have been satisfied with that, but I felt you were missing two important people in our lives."

Time smiled a bit, "I don't mind not remembering, since I was very young, but I don't think I could stand not remembering you. My big brother"

"I guess I can say the same, Tinny." Once again Time tapped Elemental's head a bit harder to which he smiled at, "Come on, you were so small back then."

"I'll have you know I'm average height" Time pouted but smiled, "Glad you're feeling better."

"Yeah, training outside was not smart of me."

"It was not."

Both Steves look to see Sabre with a light smile and carrying a tray with food. Elemental gulped seeing the human and buried his head in Time's lap, unable to bring himself to look at him.

"I brought soup for you Elemental and a sandwich for you Time. Make sure you two eat soon." Sabre said, "And Elemental."

He peeked out to see Sabre with a tight smile, "I don't hold grudges, but please, for the love of Notch, I tell you things to avoid things like this."

"S-Sorry" Elemental blushed

"I will only accept your apology when you get better" Sabre grinned, "For now, I'm going to leave you two."

"Can't you stay?" Time asked, using his puppy eyes.

Sabre shook his head, "Someone has to watch Rainbow, I left him unsupervised long enough. Besides, you boys need this."

Time smiled, "Thanks momma, we'll be out soon."

Elemental look at Time as Sabre left the room.


"He's a momma bear and a chill dad at the same time, though I like to call him ma. I feel like Pa and Dad are already taken."

Elemental smiled hearing that, "He does have those energies, I'm going to call Sabre momma now. Also, what's with not leaving Rainbow unsupervised."

"Rainbow Steve! Get back here now! No, you cannot bring Sir Nicholas to the Nether!" Sabre screamed, "For the love of Notch! Get away from that pool of lava! I swear you're going to give me a heart attack on day!"

The brothers couldn't help but to burst out laughing.


Word count: 1148

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