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Yandere GS x 09Sharkboy

Requested by MelissaC3000

Thank you for the prompt Mightymiss: rain and boss fight shark get hurt gs ( who has been watching, unknown to shark) come to help, rain get moose, gs didn't like that, moose take care of little brother, gs kill rain and boss, then moose right in front of Shark , take him and force him to love and marry him 


Ever since a young human entered the Steve Realm, GS has been observing him, watching as he interacts with the beings of this world. The more he watched him, the more he wanted to take the boy for himself, but did his best to hold back. Humans like the youngling are coded to be explores and will fight back if captured. This was proven multiple times with the youngling and the other humans, who he could care less about, being captured by some of the Steves over the years.

Though on one particular day, GS couldn't hold back anymore.

It started like any other day, Shark was picking apples from the oak trees near his home. Unknowing to him, two Steves who don't really get along, were fighting once again. Neither parties know about each other and the trees didn't help with the matter as they muffled the shouting and majority of the sounds of their attacks. Shark didn't think anything of it as he was more focus on picking the large apples. 

Then it happened, Boss launched a fireball at Rainbow who dodged it. Rainbow was about to fire back, only to stop when a scream could be heard, though not just any scream but one that belongs to Shark. Forgetting about their battle, the Steves went to find the human, hoping he was just surprise; unfortunately, it was worse. Shark laid on the ground unconscious with burn and scorches marks on his now ruined onesie and exposed skin, his legs laid in an awkward position. 

Immediately, Boss rush to heal Shark while Rainbow went to get Moose who was the closest human. Though they weren't on good terms with each other, they don't want any of the humans get seriously hurt because of them. Seeing Shark's body as it is, Boss felt like crying seeing the young human like this all because of him. His healing abilities were not strong at all, but it was enough to heal some of the burns to lessen the pain.

Rainbow came back with Moose a few minutes later and Moose quickly went to tend to his friend/little brother. It was times like this he was glad his mom is a nurse and knew how to help Shark.

"Okay, Boss pick him up carefully and teleport him to my house, Rainbow take me there as well then go get some magma cream quickly." Moose ordered which the two complied.

Within a few minutes, Rainbow and Boss watch as Moose applied the magma cream and slime cream to Shark's burns. The magma cream eases the burning sensation and helps heal the burns to a point while the slime cream cools it of. The older human then wrapped Shark's injuries with bandages. The Steves made sure not to be in Moose's way but were there if he needed anything. 

"There" Moose signed, as he flopped down on a chair, "He'll have some minor scars, but will be fine. As for his legs, he just needs to stay off them for a bit. Oh, can one of you get him some clothes? Preferably not a onesie and is something easy to put on."

Rainbow nodded and was off. He knew Boss was still in shock over all of this so took it upon himself to get things as the other's mind was not in a good place. As for Boss, he stared at Shark's body and think about what he has done, apparently Moose notice this as he said:

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. Based on the burns the fireball just missed him or else he would have been in worse condition."

"Still doesn't change the fact I hurt him to this point" Boss signs.

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