Colors of Insanity Part 2

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Requested by scarlet_witch100


The six ended up going to Green's house to hang out for the afternoon; it was that or allow Blue in the house of their enemy. During the walk, Rainbow taunted the group by pulling Blue close to him by throwing an arm around his shoulders. Green and Red wanted to intervene so bad, Blue was and is their brother, and for the psycho to lay his stained hands on him ticked them off. Yellow and Purple had to hold them back which was difficult as Red is the brawn of the group plus part of the wrestling team.

"Not now, Blue will get suspicious, and Rainbow will probably do something drastic." Purple warns, "He's just playing with us."

"He bad hands" Red growled, "Blue good, Rainbow bad."

Green tried to calm himself, "I swear if that monster does anything to him-"


The four turned their attention to Blue who has a concerned expression.

"Sorry, Red was having an episode, he's fine." Yellow quickly explained, "Blue want to my house to play some games with us?"

Rainbow narrowed his eyes and pulled the blue hair closer to him, "Sorry, we already had plans. Right Blue?"

"Actually" Blue pulled away from the taller, "I'm going home to study, my mom will ground me if I don't get a high enough score."

They all know about Blue's mom's ridiculous expectations for him, expecting him to be exactly to be like his sisters who are "perfect" in every way. Honestly, the few things quad and Rainbow agree upon was the hatred for Blue's family (well his mom and sisters, everyone is pretty cool).

"Come on Blueberry," Rainbow pulled Blue close by the waist, "Just have one night, you're annoying friends can join if that means you can stay."

"As much as I hate it, I agree with the bow guy." Green cross his arms, "Come on Blue, be a teen for once."

Blue was conflicted and was about to answer when his phone rang, just looking at who it is made him pale, "Sorry, maybe another time, I have to go." 

As much as Rainbow wanted to hold onto the boy, he let him go knowing what his mother is like. 

'Why did that woman and brats have to come back?!' Rainbow thought bitterly.

"You know Rainbow" Yellow walked forward, "I wouldn't mind them at all."

The red haired didn't reply, only walking away from the group who all walk in a different direction to hang out. Red, Green, Yellow and Purple arrived at Green's house just as planned; however, having fun was out of the question. 

"Rainbow is becoming more unstable" Purple signed, taking out his communicator, "He's barely controlling his actions around Blue, it's worse now that the anniversary is nearing."

"Blue remember or no, Rainbow turn bad" Red sat on the couch with Green following in suit, "Why Blue no us? He first."

Green, being the only one who could translate the broken speech, replied, "Blue took a hard blast protecting Rainbow, unfortunately, so losing his memory is probably a consequence. Besides, Blue only seen Rainbow when he was sane, or saner would probably be better."

"We just need to keep them separated." Yellow flop down on the opposite side of Red, "As if that would be easy."

"Why did the elders have to create Rainbow?" Purple questioned, joining his friends, "I mean they took one Steve and combined the power of all the color Steves in him."

"It was an old story my brother once told me, a tragic one honestly. Two anomalies born as brothers: one was the absent of color while the other is the start." Yellow started the tale.

"I heard the same tale" Green chimed, "They were separated, the darkness took the older and the elders saved the younger. The darkness used the older to fight the Steves and the younger volunteered to become the beacon for the Steves."

"Both used" Red signed as his friends look at him, "White and Black no fight, White forced, Black angry. Anger affect creation, soul split."

Green questioned, "How do you know that Red?"

"Knowledge cost" Red then got up to a different room.

"You never told us why his speech is like that" Purple look at Green who knows Red better than all of them, besides Blue of course.

"I don't know really; his speech was perfect before visiting a friend. He came back, injured and unable to tell Blue and I what happened."

"Guys" Yellow sat up, "I just thought about what Red said and what if both Black and White soul were used to create Rainbow: White's body and half of his soul combined with Black's emotions. Meanwhile, half of Black's soul and body created a different being with White's emotions."

"What about the other halves of their souls?" Green asked.

"More than likely split up among Steves" Purple hummed, "But what would this do with Blue?"

"Hopefully Rainbow is just insane and not anything more." Yellow signs with the others agreeing.


Red locked the bathroom door and clutch his head.

'Why, why can't I tell them? I know why Rainbow is acting like this, I know why he's after Blue. Rainbow cares too much about Blue, just like Black and White. Black's emotions only enhance Rainbow's. No, this isn't about them, it's about history repeating. That's what the books foretold. That's what He foretold.'

Tears fell from light red eyes.

'Was all this knowledge worth it when I can't even share it? When I can't warn my friends about the dangers ahead.'


Blue rushed to his room to avoid his mom and sisters. He's the youngest of three and the only boy after his father passed years ago.

'I should have gone with them' Blue thought as he threw his bag on the floor, 'Better than being here with them.'

"Blue! Get down here! You have a visitor!" His mother shouted.

The boy signed, saddened that the quietness was gone. Blue made his way downstairs to see his sisters near the visitor and his mom said in a sweet voice only meant for guests.

"Sweetheart, you didn't tell us about your handsome friend."

Light blue eyes met with red ones.

"Hello dear"

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