Our Yanderes

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Siren Evil Yandere Reverse x TheLSpike 

Requested by MelissaC3000

Just because I can do a two in one:

Yandere Rainbow x 09Sharkboy

Requested by Alphawolf00001 and Melissa has requested this ship too

(This will be Shark's Rainbow, not Sabre's btw and is a mermaid)

I'm also going to mix in a bit of Rainbow Quest to get rid of some requests and Sabre 'ought to have a yandere after him as well: 

FavremySabre x Yandere Dark

Requested by MelissaC4000

If anyone wants another part, let me know if you want it to focus on a certain ship


Reverse was born unable to see colors depite being born multi-colored family; everything was black and white, the world was dull and colorless to him; his personaity followed suit with anger in the mix. The siren was known to be ruthless and unforgiving to all those except for his twin brother who was in the same situation except he was filled with sadness but tries to smile through it all. Their parents didn't understand why their sons were born like this, no one in their family has ever been colorblind but did their best to help find a way to cure it. Thankfully, when their king caught word of this, he visited the family and told them he too suffered the same fate as the young siren and mermaid. This caught the colorful family's attention and listen to what he had to say.

King Nightmare explained how he was born unable to see colors and his family did everything to find a cure but nothing worked. When the day came for him to meet the upper supernaturals, he shook hands with a girl and his whole world lite up with colors. Nightmare then spent months looking for the girl, desperate to see colors once again, even for a few seconds. Eventually he did find her, well she found him, and apparently she knew what Nightmare wanted. She then explained that each species are born with/without a certain trait the represents they have a destine one with a rare ability/trait. For sirens, it's colorblindness and the only way to gain the ability to see color is to find and bond with your destine one.

As the king told the story of meeting his mate, Reverse and his family held onto each word, knowing that this will be the only way the twins will ever see colors. Afterwards, the king bid the family farewell and good luck on their quest. 

Since that day, Reverse and his twin look for their destine one; having some form of contact with every new person they met. Over ten years of looking and no such luck, well not for Reverse, his twin, on the other hand, found his mate: a little thing who he saved from drowning. Reverse was both happy and envious of his twin and worked even harder to find his destine one.

One day he did and that's the day when he change, just like the rest.

Reverse was in his human form walking to school with his twin and mate. Rainbow happily skipped while holding his destine one's hand who seemed very uncomfortable but he had a good reason to be. Shark is just a young halfa, forced to be in a relationship with a bubbly mermaid who held a deadlier face inside. Ever since Rainbow found out Shark was his destine one, he did everything in his power to make sure the halfa could never escape from him; going as far as to kidnap the boy just days after Rainbow first saw color by touching him.

One think that King Nightmare has forgotten to tell them is that the longer it takes to find your destine one, the more sanity you lose. Unfortunately, it won't show until you met your destine one. 

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