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ThelSpike x Light Steve with a side of ThelSpike x Silver as that's less I have to do.

Both requested by MelissaC3000

Takes place in Lucas' world.


It was a peaceful day, Light was sitting by the bank of a lake with his feet in the water where he watched as Lucas taught Silver how to fish. The two were having so much fun together and Light couldn't have been happier, well he could confess his feelings for a certain someone and they returned them back, that won't ever happen as Light knew that answer already.


"Hm?" The Steve looked up to see Lucas and Silver standing next to him, "Oh, sorry, you need anything?"

"Lucas and I were thinking about going on a picnic in a nearby forest and he could help me control my powers" Silver said, "Can you come with us dad?"

Light nodded and went to get up only to be stopped when he sees an outstretched hand. Looking to see it was Lucas, Light couldn't help but to blush as he took the offered hand to get up.

"Um, I-I'm going to get some, I mean make f-food" Light stuttered then ran off.

Lucas was a bit confused at the Steve's actions before his attention was drawn to the young Steve who was telling him that they should gather stuff they need.

About an hour later, Light met up with the other two and they were off. Silver was happily skipping ahead with the older two a bit behind him. Light was trying his best not to look at Lucas knowing full well that the blush on his face was very present. Earlier, Lucas had suggested that he could hold their picnic basket as he noticed Light struggling to hold it then insisted when the Steve refused. The blonde then had a bright idea of holding Light's hand during the walk making the blood rush to the albino haired male. Light looked at their hands, it felt as though his dream came true.

"Light?" Lucas said, breaking Light out of his thoughts, "Are you okay? You seem distracted.

"I-I'm f-fine" Light stuttered, "I mean, just thinking about something, it's nothing."

The human nodded, not convinced, but left it alone for now. Lately, Lucas noticed the Steve daydreaming a lot and that worries him quite a bit. The Steve worried him even more when he became more quiet than usual, stared into space more and more, and is becoming more reserved.

As they neared the forest, Silver grabbed Lucas' hand and pulled him towards the forest, away from Light. The Steve smiled as he watched the two run off before walking by himself the direction they ran off in, taking his time. Even though they weren't holding hands for long, Light missed the feeling of Lucas' hand on his, the human's hand was warm and comforting. By the time Light found his son and crush, they were really at it and didn't notice him immediately.

Silver was the first and waved, "Hi dad! Look I'm flying!"

"Silver focus!" Lucas shouted knowing that if the Steve loses concentration for a second then he'll fall, which he did.

Lucas and Light gasped, but before they moved, Silver managed to catch himself.

"Silver, get down now! You almost gave us a heart attack!" Light shouted.

The younger Steve immediately came down and muttered out an apology. While making sure Silver was alright, Lucas shot Light a worried look as it was rare for him to shout like that. Instead of seeing the worried look or seeing if his son was okay, Light was tugging on his hair out of panic. After the moment he shouted, the white haired realized he broke his calm state, something that hasn't happened in so long. He wasn't supposed to lose his cool, that isn't him, that isn't who he is.

A hand snapped him out of his panicked state.

"Light?" The said Steve looked up to see worried blue eyes, "Are you okay?"

"Dad?" Silver asked, getting his dad's attention.

"I-I'm fine" Light laughed lightly, "Just, just don't fly for a bit Silver, okay?"

Silver nodded, still worried about his dad whose hand was twitching. Lucas noticed the uneasiness in Light's eyes and asked SIlver to practice fighting with a wooden sword on the dummies they set up earlier. Once the youngest left, Lucas spoke.

"Light, look at me" Lucas said.

The Steve shook his head and continued to look down, he couldn't let Lucas see his face, not now. Lucas has only seen the peaceful side of him and Light wanted to keep it like that for everyone, especially the human he loves.

"Light" Lucas said softly then took Light's chin in his hand, "What's wrong? Tell me"

"I-I didn't mean to yell, I just, I was scared and..." Light glanced away as he trailed off, "I don't know Lucas"

"You were worried, that's what parents feel when they sense or see their kid is in trouble. It's normal"

"But I never yell" Light whimper, "I didn't like the feeling afterwards"

The blonde pulled the shorter one into a hug, "I know you're not, you usually keep your emotions in check and an extreme pacifist"

Light couldn't help but to blush at how close he was to Lucas, "I-Is it bad to yell?"

"Depends on the circumstances, but you did it out of fear of Silver's safety" Lucas rubbed the other's back, "You're still a good person Light"

"S-So I shouldn't be scared to yell" Light pulled away to look into Lucas' eyes, "Should I do it more?"

"If you need to, though I prefer you don't" Lucas moved some hair out of Light's face, "You are cute all shy and flustered"

The Steve's eyes widened, "Wh-What?"

Lucas smiled then kissed Light's head before letting him go, "Come on, let's have that picnic"

Light thought his heart was going to burst at that moment.

'Does, does Lucas like me?'


Word count: 1003

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