You Weren't There (Lucas)

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So, this will be a miniseries to get rid of a lot of requests and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot. The name in parentheses will represent who the focus will be on, if there is none then it's a mixture

Siren Evil Yandere Plague x Lucas
Yandere Siren Nightmare x Lucas

Yandere Siren Rainbow x Shark
Yandere Siren GS x Shark
Yandere Siren Boss x Child Shark
Siren GS x Child Shark 

Yandere Siren Dad Demon Steve x Child Sabre

All (I believe) requested by MelissaC3000


"Lucas, darling, time to go" 

"Do I have to?"

A sixteen-year-old, blonde-haired boy asked his mother who smiled softly to her son.

"Yes, you do sweat pea." Morgan, the mom, said as she picked up her purse, "You were so excited for Infinity's birthday party just yesterday. What changed?"

Lucas leans against a wall with his arms crossed, "It's an aquarium mom. I don't like aquariums"

Morgan signed, "Lucas, please honey, for me?"

"So are we good to go?" John, Lucas' stepdad asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go" Lucas huffed, not looking at John.

"Come on son-"

"I'm not your son!" Lucas glared, "And you're not my dad!"

"Lucas! You know John is just trying to help" Morgan scold, "Now we are going to the aquarium whether you like it or not!"

The boy said nothing as he walk to his room to grab a backpack that he always took where ever he went. Not once did he look either adult going to the car. Morgan glanced at John who gave her a comforting pat before following his step-son leaving his wife alone.

'I'm sorry Lucas' Morgan thought before stepping our.


(At the Aquarium)

Once the family arrived, Infinity and Negative (the birthday boy) were the first to greet and apologize to Lucas profusely. There was a mix up in locations and understood if Lucas didn't want to come at all. Unlike his mother, the two understood so Lucas sucked it up for them, especially for Negative; him and his cousin were so close before the incident. Moments later, Morgan took Lucas aside to apologize. 

"Lucas, I'm-"

"Sorry doesn't fix anything" The blonde snapped, "It sure as hell didn't bring either of my cousins back"


"You weren't there, you're never there" Lucas growled, fists clench, "Something kidnapped Andrew. Sabre and I couldn't stop it, no matter how hard we fought, we couldn't protect Andrew. I was forced to watch mom, I was forced to watch as my baby cousin get dragged away, screaming for someone to help. I was forced to watch as my cousin, my best friend, my brother life be drained from his eyes! All I ask is to stay away from aquariums because this is where it happened!"


"Don't 'sweetie' me! Dad cared, he comforted me, took off work knowing how much Andrew and Sabre meant to me! What did you do? Oh yeah, decided going to an aquarium for some family bonding would help! It turned out, you just wanted to see John who you've been cheating with two years after you and dad got married. After that you divorced him a year after I lost them, pleading the judge for me to go with you! You didn't want me, you only wanted me for money! After dad passed and left everything to me, you're trying to milk more from me" Lucas signed, "Whatever, you don't care. Go back to John"

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