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Yandere Nightmare x TheLSpike

Requested by MelissaC3000

Royal AU


Lucas was young when he met Nightmare, the young boy he was to marry when the time comes. His dad - Infinity - spoke to a pair of brothers - Chaos and Ultra. The brothers are Nightmare's caretakers after his parents disappeared and soon became his older brothers. While the grown-ups talked, Lucas, his own brothers - Positive and Negative - and Nightmare all sitting outside. All of them were in an arranged marriage: Negative to a King who's been after his hand since he was a young prince; and Positive was between with a royal guard who's been after Positive when they first entered the kingdom which was like two days ago and some random prince.

The four young princes sat outside on a set of benches under a small pavilion. Lucas sat on Nightmare's lap whilst playing with his hat after Nightmare took it off in favor to nuzzle his face in the soft blonde hair. Positive and Negative sat across from them, a bit concern for their brother. They've only been to Nightmare's kingdom a handful of times over the years since the announcement was made when Lucas turned 8 and each time Nightmare would hardly go a minute without touching the young blonde. 

"Um, Nightmare?" Lucas started, "Mind if I go get something to eat?"

"I'll get you something!" Nightmare pipped up and placed Lucas on the space next to him, "Besides what husband will I be to let my love go hungry"

Nightmare left after kissing Lucas' cheek then ran off. The blonde signed and looked at his brothers.

"I hate that guy" Positive huffed, "He's so clingy and everything! Why did dad even agreed you two getting married! I mean the only one out of us three who's marriage matters is Negative's!"

"Don't blame father, Nightmare's kingdom is stronger than ours and this is Nightmare's decision. Sir Ultra and Sir Chaos have no say as they are still beneath Nightmare no matter what."

"Can't you tell your fiancé to do something! I mean each of his family members rule their own kingdom!"

Negative frown, "I am sorry brother, but I wish to avoid any conflicts and I do not want my fiance to do something drastic on my behalf"

The king Negative is engaged to will do anything for him, even eliminate a whole kingdom for him - and they have proof - but Nightmare's kingdom is important for trading and there are people whose skills are unfound to the rest of the world.  

"I get it" Lucas signs and hug his knees to his chest, "Any news about Sabre?"

Negative shook his head, "No, Blue has been going crazy looking for him. Red, Green, Yellow and Purple are doing their best to help, but even his boyfriend can't calm him down"

Positive clench his fists, "Still can't believe what dad did! Sabre had a brighter future than to be married off! It wasn't even dad's decision" 

"What wasn't your dad's decision?" Nightmare asked as he took his spot next to Lucas, handing a plate with a sandwich on it.

"Sending Sabre away" Positive huffed.

Nightmare somewhat smirk, "Well, he was quite rebellious, the person your father chose might teach him some manners"

If it wasn't for Negative, Positive would have beat the living daylight out of the prince instead he went to scream at him.

Sabre is their cousin, making him a prince as well, but he was never interested in anything prince-like, instead he rather design and build. Infinity never approved of Sabre or the fact his own father decided Sabre would be allowed to be as he pleased and still hold a royal title. Without anyone knowing until the time came, Infinity signed engagement papers and due to law, Sabre had no choice but to agree and was shipped away. Out of them all, Lucas was the closest to Sabre and hearing that his cousin had been shipped off almost destroyed Lucas if it wasn't for his brothers.

As Positive screamed at Nightmare, Lucas curled into a ball and cried to himself. One thing he and his brothers absolute hated about Nightmare was his lack of care for Sabre being missing. Probably because Sabre would have stopped Lucas' marriage.

"Enough, both of you" Negative command, "You're scaring Lucas and I'm starting to get irritated"

Both boys stopped to look at Lucas who was shaking.

"Lu" Positive frowned, "I'm sorry"

"I apologize dear, I did not mean to offend you" Nightmare went to hug the blonde only for him to get up and walk away.

"Positive, follow him" Negative ordered.

Wordless, Positive ran off in the direction of his brother, leaving Negative with Nightmare who was just about to get up.

"Sit down"

"I have to-"

"You don't need to do anything concerning my brother!" Negative growled.

To say Nightmare was afraid of Negative is an understatement; he was terrified of the older blonde and he isn't the only one.

"You can say whatever you want to anyone, but the moment you talk about someone who can't even defend himself, including my cousin: you cross the line" Negative clench his fists, "Be lucky I'm not using my resources to prevent all of this. And don't you dare forget who helped your sorry butt all those years ago"


"If I ever catch you talking bad about my cousin in my or brothers' presence: I. Will. End. This" Negative glared, "Still don't know what I saw in you years ago, but you better treat my brother right"

"I will"

"And don't you think you won." Negative then got up and left to find his brothers.

Nightmare made sure Negative was out of ear shot before slamming his fist on the bench, cracking it.

'A few more months, a few more months and everything will be set'


Word count: 949

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