He's MY Brother Part 4

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There will be a few triggers, hints of depression.

This is one of those oneshots that you type whatever comes to mind.


One minute Positive was about to fight four beings the next he found himself tied to a chair with everyone else looking around confused. Seems no one understood what occurred until Time slapped Elemental's arm.

"Baka! You really thought fight him would be a smart idea?! Did you think how devastated Negative would be to know if anyone got hurt because of him?!" Time scolded everyone then turned to Positive, "Same thing goes for you!"

While everyone look away in guilt, Positive glared at the younger.

"If you let Negative go or gave him to me then no one would have gotten hurt" Positive gritted his teeth.

"Do you know why we didn't?" Elemental clench his fist, "It's because you treat your own brother as though he's a cage bird. Never letting him out without a tight leash and punish by poisoning him. What is wrong with you?!"

"You want to know? Well let me tell you something, after our guardians learn about his ability, they limited his freedom along with mine. They spent almost everyone moment with him trying to get him to suppress his emotions, to help him control his powers. It was absolutely annoying!" Positive growled surprising the group, "It was only after our guardians were gone he became who he is! All of their 'training' finally paid off at that point and I could finally have what's mine!"

The room was quiet, no one spoke, how could they after finding out Positive actually despised Negative instead of loving him like they all thought he did.

"So if I wasn't born, then you would be happier?"

Eyes widened as they look to the stairs where Negative stood in borrowed pajamas.


"So you actually hated me, guess everyone was wrong" Negative said, continuing to have a neutral look so no on could tell if he was angry or sad, "I do apologize for taking our guardians' attention away from you and your childhood. I also apologize for not being the you wanted or never wanted."

"Negative, no, I" Positive felt everything crash down on him, "I-I don't hate you"

"No need to lie, I understand, I thank you for putting up with me for so long" Negative looks at the rest, "I thank the rest of you as well, I won't be a burden for none of you any longer."

"Wait, you're not a burden!" Elemental said quickly.

Negative tilted his head a bit, "Yes I am, you pitied me and I deserve none of that. I took and never gave so indeed I am a burden. And Elemental, you need not to have feelings for me"


"Negative wake up" Positive shouted, "You have to wake him up! He's in shock and falling into a bad place!"

"What do you mean?" Void questioned, still looking at the blonde worriedly.

"He can't comprehend emotions! He only knows how to obey and he feels a new emotion or can't process things, he goes into shock and falls into a deep depression!" Positive explained, in the shortest way possible, "Please help him!"

Negative shook his head, "I'm sorry for all I have done, I shall take my leave"

Just as Negative passed him, Elemental grabbed and shoved him against the wall, surprising the room.

"Listen here, none of us pitied you, we love you as a family would. We care for you no matter what. You are and never were a burden!"

"But you are in pain for loving someone who doesn't deserve to be loved" Negative said blankly, "I know of your feelings for me for some time, and as you see, I am unable to recuperate them"

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