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Galaxy Steve x TheLSpike

Requested by LazyButt1

Prompt: when Sabre gets lost in space Galaxy comforts Lucas because his cousin gets lost in space and Galaxy tries and gets the Galaxy ship up and working while Lucas is sleeping in his cousin's bed

I'm calling the Galaxy Ship, SS, short for Space Ship as there is already a character name GS.


Sabre, Lucas and Galaxy were enjoying their trip on the Galaxy Ship. Lucas and Galaxy were speaking on the lower deck while Sabre steered the ship. It was peaceful, something that they all deserve after all of their journeys to different planets and meeting different beings; some they rather forget.

All was well until the siren went off: 

"Warning! Warning! Incoming asteroid field! Brace for impact!"

Galaxy was the first to react, one arm wrapped around Lucas' waist and the other went around a nearby pole to keep them grounded. Out of fear, the blonde hugged the Steve tightly as asteroids hit the ship, shaking them up in every direction. Everything lasted for five minutes then the silence returned. Galaxy looked around, the ship was badly damaged otherwise they were fine. His attention then went to the trembling blonde in his arms.

"Lucas, come on Lucas, it's safe" Galaxy said, petting his head to calm him.

Unsure blue eyes were meant with golden ones, "W-We're fine?"

"We are, come on, let's get Sabre" 

The starry Steve held onto Lucas, he was too shaky to walk on his own, and went to find the brunet human; however, to their horror, they saw Sabre floating away in space. Lucas shouted for his cousin and made an attempt to after him only for Galaxy to tighten his hold on the blonde. It pained Galaxy to hear Lucas cry out for Sabre who disappeared into the darkness, it pained him even more for the cousins to be separated once again. As much as Galaxy wanted to go after Sabre, who knows how long his power will hold out and he couldn't leave Lucas alone, not in his state.

"Sabre" Lucas cried out one last time before going limp in Galaxy's arms.

Lucas felt the loneliness grow in his heart, Sabre was no longer with him so the void will be there until someone fills it. He was lost in his mind that he didn't register being picked up or laid down on a bed or a hand running through his hair or the muffled words being spoken; all Lucas knew is his cousin is once again ripped from him. In Lucas' sadness, he some how fell asleep, wishing everything was just a dream.

Meanwhile Galaxy was speaking to SS after getting them back online while he worked on fixing the ship. According to SS, they are able to communicate with Sabre thanks to the space suit he's wearing which was a relief to both Galaxy and Lucas, especially Lucas.

"Galaxy" SS started, "Lucas' heartbeat is irregular and...what has happened?"

"Losing Sabre is taking a huge toll on him"


"Well from what I know, they only have each other and just got reunited a few days before you were created"

"....I see, Galaxy"


"Lucas seems to be having a nightmare"

The Steve didn't need to be told twice before he headed to Lucas' room to find the blonde curled up in a tight ball, crying like no tomorrow. Galaxy moved Lucas so he was partially laying/sitting on him. The blonde clutch onto Galaxy's jacket as the Steve rocked him back and forth, pressing light kisses on his head as comfort.

Almost thirty minutes later and Lucas finally calm down enough to fall asleep. Galaxy held Lucas tighter than before, he didn't want the blonde to think he's alone again nor does he ever want to see him in distress ever again. 

'Well get him back Lucas, I promise'


Word count: 649

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