TheBowFavre Part 3

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Okay, I'm serious this time, no more parts, I am at a lose here T_T


"What the heck Rainbow?!" Sabre shouted as he and Lucas dodged the Steve, "What's got into you?!"

Red eyes narrowed, "You two belong to me! And nether of you are leaving me!"

"I didn't think I would ever say this to you: but we don't belong to anyone!" Lucas shouts, "We're your friend! But in no way do we belong to you!"

"Yes, you do!" Rainbow lunge towards Lucas, barely missing him.

The blonde went by his cousin's side, both unable to comprehend what happened to their friend. Neither wanted to hurt him, but at the same time they didn't want him to be near them until figuring out what is happening. 

The three kept on play this twisted game of tag, Rainbow growled in frustration as each of his attempts failed. Unfortunately, Sabre and Lucas were growing tired as they did not share the same stamina as the Steve, and it was only a matter of time before Rainbow captures one of them. 

"I'm getting bored of this game" Rainbow said irritated, though he smirked knowing it was only a bit more before they are his, "You two are mine, just give in, it will be easier"

Sabre rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see, "Rainbow enough! What is wrong with you!? Before you betrayed me, saying that you never cared! Now you say you love me! What do you actually want from me! From us! You should know better than anyone that neither of use belong to any being, including you!"

Something in Rainbow's eyes changed, "B-But you, you and Lucas said we would be together, forever!"

"As friends Rainbow." Lucas signs, and closed his eyes tightly "But hearing from Sabre, you ruined that"

"Only because Sabre sided with Galaxy!" Rainbow accused, "He was given a choice and he chose Galaxy!"

"If you only knew half of it." Sabre mutters then clench his fist as he spoke up, "You know Rainbow, somedays, I wish I never meet you"

Rainbow froze, giving the cousins the option to run out the home, away from their 'friend'. The Steve didn't realize that they left, trapped in his own mind.

'They left...Sabre wishes he never meet me; Lucas probably feels the same' 

'No, no, dear Rainbow, they love you, they just need some.... persuasion'

'But no matter what I say, they still resist me'

'I don't mean that dear Rainbow, I mean more of a forceful matter'


'Yes they said they don't belong to anyone, but that means you need to make them yours. You need to show them who they belong to and they will love you'

'I hurt them, especially Sabre'

'You did, but he keeps coming back'

'But Lucas, he isn't as forgiving'

'He protects Sabre, Sabre protects him, they need to know you will protect them both'

'But how?'

'Just use their weakness, you remember what it is, don't you?'

'.... how can I ever forget'

You Decide - Steve Saga(4) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now