Family of Mine Part 3

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Six suits.

Six people.

The originals.

Green woke up to Purple shaking him.


"I don't know" A female voice spoke, "I woke before anyone else in this room. Do you remember anything?"

Thinking made his head hurt so Green shook his head, "I don't, my head hurts thinking about it. Who else is here?"

"Including us, six in total." Purple then went to Black to wake them.

Green did the same to Cyan and Pink since they were next to each other. Apparently, none of them remember who they are or how they got there. Another thing is they can't take the suits off.

"So, no one can remember their name?" Pink asked, "That sucks, I know some of your voices sound familiar."

 A few nods in agreement. They then decided to explore in pairs with those who sounded familiar to each other: Black and Purple (Pair 1); Cyan and Green (Pair 2); Pink (uncomfortable) and Brown (Pair 3).

About 10 minutes passed as the pairs explored the area, about to regroup when they heard a scream. Pair 2 arrived with Brown, and they found Pair 1 already there with Pink laying in a pool of blood.

"Tewtiy!" Green shouted, surprising everyone, including himself, "H-How do I know his name?!"

Cyan was quick to comfort Green while Pair 1 and Brown discuss what happened to Pink.

"Why did you arrive with Pair 2?" Black questioned, "You were supposed to be with Pink."

"Hey, I just went through those doors, and they suddenly lock behind me. I went the long way around and joined Pair 2 since they heard a scream."

Black nodded his head, not fully believing Brown, but left it alone for now. He looks to Pair 1, especially Green who was curled into a ball; he knew Pink's name though "why?" was the question on everyone's mind and how Pink died.

Purple took Cyan's place in comforting Green so he could talk to Black, alone. 

"Do you know who might have done this?" Cyan asked.

"Brown seems suspicious, Purple was with me the whole time and Green seems to be in too much of a shock." Black listed, "Though I don't know about you"

"Reasonable enough, besides Green, I'm suspicious of you, Purple and Brown. Why would he even leave Pink?"

Black then told what Brown told him.

Suddenly the doors lock behind them and lights went out. Black and Cyan were quick to unlock the door.

"I'm going to turn on the lights!" Cyan shouted as he ran to the electrical room he found earlier.

"I'll find the others!" Black shouted back and went to the rest.


Cyan signed in relief as the lights came on, things felt safer with them on. 

'I hope no one else died.'  Cyan thought as he rushed back where he last seen the group only to slip after passing the room him and Black were in. 

"What the-" Cyan's eyes widened seeing Black's body surrounded by blood.


Cyan felt someone hug him from behind, "Green?"

"Nightmare?!" A female voice shouted.

They look up to see Purple on her knees by Black's body, not caring about the blood on her suite.

"What in the Ne- Night?!" Brown shouted in surprise

Cyan and Green joined them with the latter asking, "You know him?"

"Y-Yeah, he's my brother" Brown answered.

"He's my boyfriend" Purple answered then asked, "How do you know Pink?"

"He's my friend."

"Seems we remember who everyone is after they die" Cyan concluded, "Where were you two after the lights went out? Same for you Green, you weren't with them."

"I ran to electrical, but a different direction due to the doors locking." Green answered.

"I was putting Pink in a room, didn't want him in the middle of the hallway."

"I was looking through this tablet, apparently we all have one" Purple pulled out a tablet, same for everyone else, "And found out what's happening: 

Hello participate, today you and 5 others are part of an experiment where one of you are infected with a parasite causing its host to kill everyone else. In order to win, figure out who is the imposter or finish your tasks. Imposter wins if they kill everyone.  Additional note: The imposter has to wait 30 seconds before they can kill again.

One the next page is a list of tasks." Purple informed.

"Odd, I have some of these done." Green said.

The rest checked as well, seeing some of the tasks already completed. 

"Okay, so, I guess we should complete these tasks as soon as possible." Brown said, glancing at Black, his brother, "Let's get this done, I'll be on the east side."

"I'm coming with you!" Green shouted, following Brown, "I have tasks there as well. Let's meet back here when we get done!"

Cyan went north while Purple went west. 


Ten minutes later

The lights went out again, luckily Cyan was near them so they were turned back on quickly. Suddenly, he was teleported to the cafeteria where he was met with Purple, Brown and-

"Sabre!" Cyan cried out to his fallen cousin who was laying with the rest of the fallen, "What happened?"

"I don't know, but she killed Green!" Brown pointed to Purple.

"I did not! I was on the opposite side of this place!" Purple defended, "If anything, you killed him! You two were together!"

The table they are at lite up, a brown icon appeared next to Purple's picture, same with Brown but with a purple icon.

"I guess this is how we vote out the imposter" Brown realized then look at Cyan, "Quick, vote out Purple, she's the imposter."

"I am not! Cyan, listen, I know Black told you I was with him when Pink died, I wouldn't hurt anyone!"

"She's lying!"

Cyan stopped listening to them, he stared at his cousin's body then to the table that also showed the building's lay out; 2D and 3D.

"I know who the imposter is" Cyan spoke, looking at the two who looked at him with anticipation.

'If I get this wrong, at least I'll be with my cousin and friend.' Cyan closed his eyes, "It's-


Word count: 981

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