Family of Mine

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Requested and prompt by Angel_Rain2

I have a request Sabre and Light as father and son Prompt: After Rainbow randomly went missing and Light was upset about that and Sabre comforts him I'm sowwy for giving you more requests Echo qwq 

Note: Adding some twists


Sabre was young when his fraternal twin sons, he and his girlfriend did their best but, in the end, Sabre was left alone to raise two four-year old. He got lots of help from his cousin and some friends to look after the twins or help pay for things when times were getting hard. Never once had Sabre regrated ever having his sons, they were his precious stars. 

Light, born five minutes before his brother, gained a gentle nature, always worried about his father's health and his twin's eagerness to do things, reckless or not. He has light brown hair and light grey eyes, a lighter version of his dad basically.

Rainbow is the more energetic of the two, he loves to explore and make friends whenever he could. Just like his brother, he worries about his dad and is the voice of them both. He has red hair like his mom and almost amber eyes from a mix of his parents.

Both boys remember their mom, they know she loved them, but instead of toughing it out, she abandoned Sabre and them leaving a broken man and two children without a mother. They do their best to take cheer up their dad which he appreciated greatly.

Now the twins are fourteen, currently in high school, much to Sabre's disappointment as this meant his babies are growing up. They quickly found their cliques: Rainbow with the preps and Light with drifters. But the two never let their friends get in the way of each other. 

Until one night.

Sabre had the night shift, so the twins were on their own for food which is a good thing both took culinary.... it's good thing Light took culinary. Just as they were getting ready for bed, Light noticed Rainbow putting on clothes aside from his pajamas.

"Bow, what are you doing?"

"I'm going out with some friends" Rainbow vague explains as he put items in his backpack, "We're going to the forest for a get together, I should be home when school is over"

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Light fidgets with his hands, "What if dad finds out? And what about school? They'll call dad and you'll get in trouble"

"Come on Light, please, just tell him I went to school early for a project, I'll be home a bit after school. As for the teachers, just say I'm out sick or something. Ask your boyfriend to tell his dad to excuse me"

Light blushed a bit, "H-He's not my boyfriend, I just help him with math and English..."

Rainbow rolled his eyes, "Sure, whatever you say, but just cover for me."

"Fine" the brunet signed, "I'll do my best"

"Thanks, I owe you" Rainbow grinned then left their room and soon home.

The older twin signed, he just hopes Rainbow will be alright and come home.


Overall, the morning went fine for the most part, Sabre was too tired to notice one of his sons missing and wished Light a good day before passing out. The day was normal aside from people asking him where Rainbow was, Light's excuse was he was sick which everyone was satisfied with though there was a small group who didn't believe him: Reverse, Vi, Shadow, Dark, and Ghost.

Reverse is Rainbow's friend outside of the prep. Vi is the guy Light tutors. Shadow is Light's best friend. Dark is Shadow's older brother and is only there since Ghost is, the reason being is about everyone knows Ghost has a massive crush on Shadow and Dark absolute hates Ghost due to that also because they are rivals. 

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