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Herobrine x 09Sharkboy

Requested by askgoldiefan101 (hope this meets your expectations as a first part)

There will be another version in Mature with more of what happens to Shark.

Also forgive me, I haven't watch Shark for quite some time.


Dawn has just arrived when Shark woke up earlier than he usually does. Today Shark is doing a favor for his friend - Sabre - to show his cousin around his world. Sabre's cousin - Lucas - recently been recognized as a Player and Sabre wants him to venture out to other's worlds.

After Shark did his morning routine, he went to the portal room where Sabre, Lucas and two others who are Steves were currently waiting for him.

"Dang, how early did you two wake up?" Shark asked.

"For me, woke up about three hours ago" The blonde shrugged then pointed his cousin, "Him, on the other hand, didn't sleep a wink and on the verge of passing out"

"We're going to go now, don't think Sabre can last too long" Rainbow said then look to Shark, "Take care of him please"

"I will" 

"See you guys later" Lucas waved as the two dragged his barely conscious cousin through the portal.

Once the three were gone, Shark started to show Lucas around his world: greeting other Players and beings as the walk, Shark explains how the world works and significant buildings. Lucas was amazed at the amount of people there were as he and Sabre are the only ones in each other's worlds. Beings and Players waved, even gave Lucas some items as a welcome gift. 

Just as Shark was about to show Lucas the wilderness side of his world, he received a very odd message.

"That's weird" Shark said loud enough for Lucas to hear.

"What is?"

"I just got a message from Herobrine. Come to the cave within the mountain. This isn't real" Shark opened his admin menu from his communicator and look for anything dealing with 'Herobrine'.

"Is it really him? As from the legends?" Lucas asked, looking over Shark's shoulder.

Shark shook his head, "It can't be, but there's nothing here that could say otherwise. Must be someone play a joke or whatever"

"That's not it, the name 'Herobrine' is unable to be used as a nickname or even to use on a nametag. The name is locked for everyone, even for Admins." Lucas gave Shark a worried glance, "I don't think this is a joke"

"It can't be" Shark said, shaking a bit then received another message from Herobrine, "East. This is just weird."

"I have a bad feeling about this" The blonde said.

The brunet went back to his menu. From the stories he was told, ignoring Herobrine was never a good idea as any contact with the entity meant something big was going to happen: good or bad. It was when people seek Herobrine out is when he got violent and tricked them, but Herobrine was seeking him out.

"We should check this out" Shark finally said, putting away his communicator.

Lucas signs, "I was afraid of that, but as the stories have been told, when He seeks you out then something big is bound to happen. *chuckles* This is an interesting visit"

Smiling a bit, Shark said, "Maybe I should invite you more often, nothing interesting happens here often."

The Players began to walk east. At first, they thought the cave would be one with a large entrance or differentiate it from another cave; however, it was something they did not expect. Out of dumb luck, it was the very first cave Shark seen and went into just for curiosity.

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