My Prince Part 3

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Requested by MelissaC3000Itzcrystall0816


Lucas woke up to something soft and seen it was a guy, around the same age as him, cuddling to him.  The guy looked like an angel with his snowy hair and pale skin, the peace aura around him felt so nice and calming. He almost fell asleep again when he noticed soemthing and realized the angeltic person was actually an angel becasue of the white and gold faded wings. Panic swelled in his chest, the thought that he had died ran threw his head as his breathing picked up.

'I can't be dead can I? I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't find Sabre. I can't be dead, this can't be happening, this can't-'

Lucas' thoughts were stopped when he felt a hand on his cheek and felt the anxiety fade away. His vision became more focused allowing him to see the angel looking at him with peaceful purple eyes.

"Hey, calm down, you're safe" He said soothing.

"A-Am I d-dead?"

The angel smile softly, "No, you're very much alive Prince Lucas"

"H-How do you kn-know...?"

"Oh, excuse me for not introducing myself" He apologized, "My name is Light, second oldest of King Nightmare"

Lucas nodded, "You're Prince Light, my parents spoke how you were an angel, I did not think they were literal"

Light giggles, "That's what everyone said"

"So, um, where am I?" The blonde asked looking around, "How did I get here?"

"This is our home in your kingdom, well a bit further out. Dad wanted to stay near for anymore discussions with your mom and dad." Light explain, "We come here a few months every three or so years since your kingdom is the supernaturals' biggest allies human wise."

"Oh, so is the rest of your family angels? I mean King Nightmare is a fallen angel" Lucas asked wanting to make conversation.

Light shook his head, "My older brother is a vampire while my younger brothers are a siren and werewolf"

"S-Siren!" Lucas said scared, memories of what happened before on the beach resurfaced, "D-Did you save from the one that a-attacked me?"

Light looked at him confused then understood what he meant, "Oh, um, he's the one who brought you here, that's my younger brother Reverse. He didn't mean any harm, his siren side brought you here. It's the time of the year for certain supernaturals to kidnap their mates."

"M-Mate?!" Lucas exclaimed, "A-Are you saying I'm m-mated to a siren?!"

The angel flinch, "Yeah, but my brother is nice, he won't hurt you"

"B-But h-humans can't be m-ma-"

"Light" A voice whined, "how much longer until- Oh Prince Lucas!"

The angel and human's attention turned to a male neko who bowed slightly in the presence of his home's prince.

"Hello Blue, you do not need to bow you know, especially when you're going to be Rainbow's Luna soon" Light giggled a bit.

Lucas held back a laugh, "He's right though, you don't need to bow and you can just call me Lucas. I don't like it when people call me their prince or Prince Lucas all the time"

Blue look up, face red from being flustered, "A-Alright Pr- I mean Lucas. And I don't know if Rainbow is my mate or not Light, I'm a neko looked down by other nekos who are already at the bottom of the chain. Besides, Rainbow will reject me soon enough"

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