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Yandere Dad Demon Steve x Baby Sabre

Requested by MelissaC4000

Referring Demon as Damian and Karen-person warning


Humans were odd creatures. Saying one thing about unity and peace, but when it comes down to it, they would send their own kin to save their own skin. That is what happened to a seven-month old boy. The child's family was cursed to give up their first born when he/her turns 21 if a certain object isn't obtained by an ancient being later revealed to be a demon. Generations ago, a person who's name is forbidden to say made a deal with the demon to gain the hand of a young lady in exchange for one of purest items in the world. The person and demon were about to complete the deal until the person backstabbed the other and claimed both the young lady and crystal as his own. Since then, the demon decided that the person's whole family will suffer for his betrayal. 

To keep the first born safe, the family is tasked on his/her 20th birthday to find an object revealed through a letter before the child's 21st. So far, all of the first born since the curse was laid upon them have been safe, that was until 100th year, the year the demon visit the current family on their eldest child's 20th birthday.

Everyone was there: a grandfather who has three children who married and have six children among them. The eldest has a son and daughter; the middle has twins; and the youngest has a daughter and two son. Then a smaller family containing the youngest's divorced wife and their daughter.


To avoid confusion for everyone including me:

Ultra is part of the main line, previous married and has three sons: Nightmare, Rosso and Amarillo.

Nightmare's wife passed away and has two kids (Dark [17] and Light [15]).

Rosso is married to Viridis and they have twin six months old(Sabre and Sabrina).

Amarillo had two daughters (Inny [20] and Nega [19] with his ex-wife, Inny went with Laura and Nega went with him, and had two sons (Positive [8] and Lucas [2]) with his current wife, Aoi.

Laura is Amarillo's ex-wife.

(Don't ask why I use Laura, I don't even know anyone named Laura or even seen anyone named that in books. Inny [In-nee] is female Infinity and Nega is female Negative)


"Hello mortals" Damian grinned at the remaining family of the man who dared betray him, "Congratulations on successful not losing any children for all these generations. How are you fairing Nightmare? I seen you're fair well and I heard about your wife and sorry about her passing, I actually liked her"

"Thanks" Nightmare glared at the demon, holding his children close, "Now what do you want? You never show yourself until the eldest's 21st year to collect"

"Ahh yes, well since this is a special time, I decided to end this curse" Damian grinned though everyone felt there is something else.

"But there's something else, isn't there" The grandfather said, knowing of demons trickery.

"You know me well Ultra, the generation who escape the curse, my condolences though." Damian then snapped his finger "Anyways, yes there is, to end this curse, you must give me what I wanted from the beginning "

"One of the purest items in the world" The youngest child, Amarillo, said.

"That object was lost years ago" Rosso, the middle, then explained, "Our great-grandparents separated and the item was lost after that."

"Oh, I'm not here for that" Damian shrugged, "That item was fake and a piece of junk that 'who-must-not-be-named' tried to trick me with. That man failed to see what was the purest in the world that he tried to trick me. Now, I'm going to give all of you a choice and all must be agreeance: first choice, continue the curse until I take a first born, ending it then and there or, give me one of the children here and the curse ends right now. Remember all must be in agreeance"

Before anyone could say anything, Laura, shouted "Just take one of them! I can't have something like you take my daughter!"

Everyone just looked at her with surprise or disgust, including Damian.

"Should I tell you the item you must find to save your child?" Damian asked.

"No! Just take one of them" Laura gestured to her ex family, "They can have more if they want. We are no longer part of this family! Not after that man cheated on me!"

"You cheat on me" Amarillo dead pan, "Light is my niece and very underage. And Aoi is a better mother to Nega than you, look at Inny turned out because of you!"

"Liar! You cheated on me and married that bi-"

"Enough!" Nightmare shouted, "There will be none of that with the children here!"

The room went silent for a moment before Rosso's son started to cry from the yelling and caused everyone to jump. Viridis, Rosso's wife, tried to silent her child but froze when Damian appeared right in front of her. The baby stopped crying in exchange to look at the being with curiosity before giggling and making grabby hands.

"An adorable child you have" Damian smiled, holding out his hand which the child clamp a hand on a finger and let out a happy squeal, "What is his name?"


"Sabre? Hmm" Damian looks at the baby's eyes, "Same eyes as her, interesting"


Damian glanced at the rest of the family, some were confused others glared and ready to attack if he hurts the small boy. The being laughed internally, they don't know anything.

"I won't dare harm an infant, especially not a child belonging to them" Damian said as the rest of his attention was on the baby who continues to be a giggling mess.

"What are you talking about?" Rosso then walk to his wife and children, he didn't want to anger the demon yet the feeling of protecting his family came first.

Damian pulled away from the child and a step back, "I have a third option that all of you might like"

"What is it?" Nightmare asked, like the rest, he was worried and confused.

"I already know taking a child is out of the question, so I want the permission to be that child's protector"

Viridis held her children tighter, "Wh-what?"

"The child belongs to a couple I met back to that deal and they themselves made a deal with me, one that I intend to keep. So allow me to be his protector and I'll get rid of your curse. Remember, everyone must be in agreeance."

"So you would end the curse to protect Sabre?" Ultra questioned, not believing what he is hearing.

"I would, he is their child, and I swore to always protect him no matter what life. Especially they kept their end of the deal unlike so many." Damian explained, "So, do we have a deal"

Unsure expressions were shared among the family, only the twins were babbling amongst each other.

"Why don't you take the brat and just end this curse junk! I don't want to come here and see that thing" Laura screamed and that caused for the three youngest to burst out in tears (Lucas, Sabre and Sabrina).

Aoi was quick to calm her youngest unlike Viridis who was having trouble calming down both of her children even with her husband's help. The demon responded quickly by taking Sabre rocked him gently. It was in an instant that the brunet boy called down and fell asleep. Damian then handed Viridis back her son.

"I advise you not to do that" Damian glared at Laura, "I am that child's protector with or without any of your consent, I merely asked out of politeness as his parents were those who deserved to go up into heaven. Now I ask again, do we have a deal?"


Word count: 1328

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