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Yandere Rainbow x FavremySabre x TheLSpike

Requested by Angel_Rain2

Somewhat a continuation of VoidLucas in You Decide Book 3.

If anyone wants another part, prompt please.


Rainbow came back to the base he and Galaxy built and entered his room where a certain brunet was waiting. Sabre looked up when the door opened, his eyes held fear until Rainbow laid Lucas onto the bed. Instantly, the humans hugged each other for comfort as they whimper under the Steve's gaze. Rainbow couldn't help but to stare at his humans, they have become cuter and more submissive thanks to Void, but that also makes them more of a target for others to want and take. The thoughts of locking them up ran through his head: chaining them to a bed only for him to have the key, being the only one able to touch, hear and taste them, all of that made Rainbow wanting to do it even more.

"Wh-What do you want with us?" Lucas asked, trying to hide Sabre from those red eyes.

The Steve didn't say anything, he just continue to stare at the two former humans, ideas formed in his head of what to do to them.

"Please let us go" Sabre whimpered, "We'll do anything"

"Anything?" Rainbow smirk.

Sabre, not noticing the tone of the Steve's voice along with Lucas, "Y-Yes?"

"Let me touch your wings and tail"

"Why?" Lucas asked but was ignored when Rainbow grabbed what he wanted.

Both felt electricity flow through them, Lucas couldn't help but to let out a breathless moan while Sabre bit his lip and squirm a bit. Rainbow couldn't help but to push the two flat onto the bed, caging them under him. 

"Wonderful, absolutely wonderful" Rainbow licked his lips seeing the submission in blue and grey eyes, "I should thank Void for changing you two"

"V-Void? Where's Void?" Sabre asked worried.

"H-He hurt master" Lucas whimpered, "Master's hurt"

"He's not your master" Rainbow growled causing the two to flinch, "You two are mine, always have and always have been. Void took you two from me, I only reclaimed what's mine"

"What are you going to do with us?" Lucas asked again.

Instead of answering, Rainbow leaned down and kissed the inu, forcing his way in, one of his hands went to Sabre's wing and tugged on it causing the brunet to moan. After a few minutes, Rainbow switch to kissing Sabre and tugging on Lucas' ears. Both former humans withered under the Steve's touches and were left breathless as he made marks on their necks, making them in places hard to hide.

"P-Please" Sabre whimpered.

"What is it my little chick?" Rainbow whispered in the brunet's ear then nibble on it.

"F-Feels weird" Lucas squirm then gasp when Rainbow grip his thigh, "A-Ah~"

"That's the sweet voice I want to hear" The Steve cooed, "Both of you make such beautiful sounds"

Rainbow pulled away to see the mess he made from barely touching them and was delighted to see them all hot and bothered.

"My little chicky and lovely sweetheart" Rainbow cooed, "back to where they belong"

"C-Can we go h-home?" Sabre whimpered.

"You d-did what you w-wanted" Lucas said shakenly.

"But you are home, your home is with me" Rainbow put a hand on each humans' cheek, "Right here in this room, preferable in this room"

Lucas, working up a bit of courage, growled at the Steve and pushed him away from him and Sabre then got off the bed, "We're going home! We want Void, not you!"

Sabre stood beside his cousin, "We're not yours, we belong to Void!"

Rainbow glared at the two, draining the confidence they had moments again and resulted back to hugging each other.

"Oh such naïve humans you are, I'll let that slide but if you push me away or mention that Steve again there will be punishment" Rainbow growled making the two flinch, "Now be a sweetheart and a good chicky get back on the bed and look pretty for me"

Scared of the colorful Steve, Sabre and Lucas got back on the bed, still holding onto to one another, as far as they could from the Steve. Seeing the former humans looking so scare excited Rainbow that he wanted to pounce of them and see everything no one has ever seen but he needs to take everything a bit slower; they don't know the full extent of the situation.

"Such good little humans you are" Rainbow cooed, "As much as I hate leaving you two alone, I believe both of you need some time to understand the situation. But don't think you can escape me, I own both of you and anyone else who try to change it will fall to their knees. I'll be back, love you two"

Both humans watch Rainbow exit through a door before breaking down. Neither understood the situation, all they know is Void will be unable to come for them and Rainbow is pretty much their new capturer.

"Lucas" Sabre whimper, "I'm scared"

"Me too" Lucas admitted, pulling his cousin closer, "I don't like his scent, he has bad intentions"

"I want to go home"

"Me too, me too Sabre"


Word count: 864

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