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Yandere Rainbow Steve x Child Sabre

Requested by MelissaC4000

I'm also adding Light and child Lucas


Light knew his brother has always been.... unhinged. Rainbow is easily angry, acts out randomly and, depending on the situation, Rainbow's reaction is questionable. When they were younger, they watched a wolf attack a sheep: Light looked away while Rainbow watched with a grin. So, when they found two children no older than 6, Light was very worried when his brother took one in as he took the other. To Light's surprise, his brother took care of his child - Sabre - to the extent of a protective parent, too protective in some cases.

At first glance, Light knew both boys were meant to be free, neither are meant to be locked up which his brother did often to Sabre. Heck, the only ones Sabre is allowed to see and talk to is Light and his child - Lucas. Even then Rainbow would watch closely as they interacted with his son. Other than that, Sabre spent his time reading or outside under Rainbow's watch.

"Daddy, can I go outside?" An eight-year-old Sabre asked.

Rainbow smiled at his son, picking him up, "Not now baby, daddy's busy, we can go out later"

"C-Can't I go out by myself?" Sabre asked hesitantly.

"No baby, it's dangerous outside for someone like you" Rainbow cooed, brushing some of his brown hair away, "There's dangerous creatures that could harm you. And we don't want that, do we?"

Sabre whimpered and buried his head in his father's neck; thoughts went back to the stories he heard when he was younger. Stories that made him fear most of the things outside; Uncle Light and Lucas convinced him not everything outside was bad.

"N-No daddy"

"It's okay baby, daddy won't let anything bad happen to you" Rainbow then carried Sabre to his room where he places him on the bed, "Now be a good boy and stay here until I get down"

The brunet hugs his stuff turtle and nods. Rainbow smiled and left the room, closing and locking the door on his way out. The red hair picks up his communicator.

"Hey Light, sorry for putting you on hold for so long"

"It's fine, was it Sabre?"

"Yes, he wanted to go outside but I needed to get some tasks done"

"I see, well Lucas and I are going out for a few days, so I won't be able to communicate for a while"

"Understood, man I'm going to miss the little guy"

"I'm going to miss Sabre as well. But the boys will want to have a whole day for themselves"

"They will, those two are inseparable"

The brothers talked for several more minutes before Light had to go.

After Light hung up, he looks over to his son who is waiting patiently.

"Lucas, ready to go?"

The blonde look at his dad sadly, "Why can't Saby come?"

Light sat next to Lucas who instantly curled up to his side, "You know Uncle Rainbow doesn't like Sabre going out he's just.... paranoid of Sabre getting hurt"

"But, but Sabre and I can take care of ourselves!"

The older knows his son wasn't exaggerating, both him and Sabre survived only with each other for majority of their lives. Besides being a bit malnourish, they were just perfectly fine and could probably continue living as is if Light and Rainbow hadn't taken them in.

"I know Lucas" Light signed, "Maybe when Sabre's older than Uncle Rainbow might let him come with us, or both of them might come"

Lucas nodded though very disappointed and a bit angry that Rainbow was keeping him from his cousin. Those two never left each other's side until these Steves came, well, until Rainbow came. His papa is nice and actually let him be free, he wishes that Papa took both of them in. Neither of them is supposed to be caged or locked away; that's why they left their old home.

Knowing there's nothing he could do; Lucas grabbed his things and followed his papa outside to their journey.


After talking to his brother, Rainbow went to his son's room where he sees him coloring.

"Hey baby, still want to go outside?"

Sabre was quick to his feet and over to his dad, "Yes, yes!"

Chuckling, Rainbow picked up the brunet then went to the backyard where he placed him down.

"Now, you know the rules, right baby?"

 "I do!" Sabre grinned.

The rules were:

-No playing in mud
-No rolling on the grass
-Be in sight at all time
-When told to come in, don't argue
-Maximum time is one hour
-See someone, go inside
And a bunch more.

"Good boy, now have fun"

Wasting no time, Sabre ran off but stayed in Rainbow's sight. At one point, Rainbow took his eye off his son for a few minutes and that when someone approached Sabre.

The brunet looked at the person and grinned, "You're back!"


Word count: 816

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