09GS Part 2

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Requested by MelissaC3000MightymissDarkBlossom27


GS cradled a sleeping Shark in his arms as though he was a baby as he walk to his room in his castle in the sky. The poor boy had cried until he passed out from exhaustion after witnessing his brother get seriously hurt. While walking, the Steve hummed a happy tone as now he has the human male that he's been watching for months and preparing for his arrival; however, GS didn't think he would be taking the boy anytime soon but that didn't matter as he's with him now.

"King GS, we finished the preparation" A Purple Steve said while doing a bow, though he glanced up to see who was in the King's arms.

"Thank you, and tell the others not to disturb me until dinner"

"Yes my king"

The powerful Steve then continue to make his way to his room, wanting to get there before the boy wakes up. Entering the room, GS gently laid Shark in the middle of his, well now their, bed and watch him sleep for a bit. After months of watching the young brunet, the god is finally able to put his hands on him, give him all the love and affection he deserves. There was only thing GS regrets is probably unalive Shark's brother, he was actually hoping to have a brother-in-law but what's done is done as the saying goes. After a few more minutes of watching Shark's sleeping form, GS exit their room, locking that door so the human couldn't escape then went to take care of some business. 

GS walk down the halls where he was meant with the seamster.

"My king! I have great news, the items you want me to design as nearly done"

"Wonderful" GS smiled, "inform me when they are finished, then we can start on preparing for the wedding"

"About that my king, I heard others question why you wish to marry someone this young. The boy isn't of age to be wedded much less engage."

"Those rules do not matter to me, the boy is mine and I'm going to make sure it stays that way" GS declared, "He may remain as a child if he choses it but he is not to be with another so long as he has that ring on his finger."

"I-I understand, I'll go finish the items you requested" The seamster said before quickly leaving the godly Steve to continue to his destination.

Soon GS arrived to the throne/main room where several Steves were doing their assigned task(s). Many bowed as their king walk pass them before continuing on to find a certain one. 

"Robert" GS said to a knight.

"My king" The guard bowed, "How may I be of service?"

"I want to assign you and a guard or two of your choice to be personal guards of the future Luna"

Robert couldn't help but to smile, "R-Really? I will do my best for the future Luna and chose the perfect guards for her"



"The future Luna is a young male" GS explained further, "Is that a problem?"

The Red Steve quickly shook his head, "No! I have no problem with any of that! I was just surprised that's all!"

"Good, now do you know where Diana is?"

"Last I heard she was in the forge with her husband" Robert replied, "Oh, which reminds me, she said something about finishing a ring? And something else"

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