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Requested by MelissaC3000

Idk how to write this so I went with the flow, no part 2


Green Steves and Red Steves never been on the same page throughout their history; between powers, stubbornness and nature, there's no need for anymore explanation. The only one who either will listen to or work with are Blue Steves, they are the reason war hasn't broken out between those two. Unfortunately, as the years pass, the groups have diminished in numbers, Blue Steves affected the most as they were used mostly in the Darkness' game. Green and Red Steves mourn for those lost as the division between them teeter.

Now there was a Green/Red pair who lived on a medium size of land, they use to share it with a Blue Steve before mysteriously disappearing. Since then, the two don't interact with one another but stay where they are as it was their home. This was also Blue's home, and both wanted to honor it by keeping it safe and insure no one destroys it.



Green watch from a tree as three humans wander around the land. He didn't like them; he knew Red didn't either. The Red Steve tried to scare them off by attacking them, but they would not leave. Green tried to do the same and the results were the same.

"They still here?" Red asked, taking a seat next to the other.

"Unfortunately" Green signs, "they just don't quit"

"Want destroy, but feel can't" Red said, "Feel odd, feel same?"

Green was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Face cover, feels odd. When hit, feel bad, want apologize" Red tried to explain, it was harder since he didn't know how else to explain, "Can't explain, don't understand"

"Let me get this straight, when you attacked the guy with a bandanna, you felt bad? To the point you want to apologize? How does that make sense?!"

"Don't know, don't want to feel again." Red signs, "Miss Blue, he understood, might know" 

Blue use to piece Red's broken speech better than Green and could have a full-blown conversation with him with no issues and able to switch to Green easily.

"Me too"

"Monkey and scarf arguing" Red pointed out.

Indeed, two of the humans were arguing, probably something ridiculous from the words being shouted. Suddenly the third got in between them and within a few moments silence. The duo reluctantly shook hands then went back to what they were doing.

"Like Blue, human magic" Red said in awe.

"It's not magic Red and...." Green look at the human with the bandanna, "Yeah, like Blue"

Red look at Green, thinking of how to phrase his words before speaking, "Regret argue, you. Blue no argue, no like. Want be friend, friend no argue"

Green was surprised, not for Red wanting to be friends but for him to speak that much and it makes sense, "Red... Of course, I would like to be your friend though I thought we were already"  

Red grinned, "Red happy, scared we not. Blue happy we get along"

The greenet nods, smiling as well, Blue would be happy there are getting along wherever he is. Unfortunately, the happy moment went away when they heard one of the human's shout in their direction. Now that they are on very good terms, the Steves wanted to play a game with them. With evil smirks, the chase was on: Green went after the monkey and scarf while Red went for bandanna guy. It was so fun to hear them scream for one another, trying to figure out how to get the Steves to stop. 

But it's only fun until someone gets hurt.

It's not fun when you are the only one laugh.

As Green cornered the humans, the monkey's face went from a expression of scared to horror.

"SABRE!" He screamed.

Both human and Steve look to where the monkey's attention and were horrified as well. Red chased the bandanna human by a cliff, Red stepped back as he noticed the drop, but a skeleton appeared behind a tree and shot the human making him fall. 

Mogi and Spency ran to their friend, the drop wasn't enough for him to respawn, thankfully, but it was enough to cause him serious injuries and an being shot by a skeleton makes it worse. Mogi pulled out potions and wrappings, tending to Sabre's wounds immediately with Spency's help. 

Red and Green rushed to see if they could help, well Red was the one to rush over, Green wanted to hide. Spency noticed and stood in front of his friends with iron sword in hand.

"Stay back!" He growled, he won't allow them to hurt his friends again.

"W-Wait, we-"

"Blue!" Red pushed past Spency and knelt by Sabre's side, accidently pushing Mogi away, "Green, Blue, Blue human!"

"Red what are you talking about? Never mind that, let them heal him" Green said, not understanding his friend, but he didn't want to anger the humans anymore.

"Eyes, Red seen color, same as Blue!" Red exclaimed, "Red help, Red help human Blue"

A red glow came from Red's hand, and Green knew exactly what the Red Steve was doing.

"You idiot! You're not created to heal! Only my kind and Blue Steves can heal" Green took over the healing, signing and look at the human, "Sorry, but this will be quicker, and I know Red won't stop."

Neither waisted time asking questions.

"Who's Blue?" Mogi asked

"An old friend of ours, he was the one who kept us together. Heh, without him, we would be at each other's throats"

"Blue is nice, Blue kind" Red grinned

"Okay, what's with him and talking?"

"Speak hard, others hard to understand. Born like this. Want normal, Blue said be me. Me listen Blue. Annoying know"

The humans frown, Spency then asked, "What did he mean by Sabre having Blue's eyes?"

"I don't know, Red?"

Red squeezed his eyes, piecing his words together, "Blue, grey eyes, human grey eyes. Same, same emotion, Red seen Blue fall. Scared past repeated."

" saw how Blue died?!"

Clutching his hair tightly, "Remember can't, fuzzy, hurts. Blue said no fault"

 "Mmm, what's going on?"

Attention went to Sabre whose unfocused eyes look around, "Spency? Mogi?"

"Sabre!" The boys hug their friend as the Steve's stepped back to watch.

"You're right" Green said.

"Blue is happy" Red smiled, "He has made anew but as someone new."

"Yeah he did" Green smiled, 'Maybe there is a reason'


Word count: 1021

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