FavremyNight Part 4

366 8 3

Requested by DarkBlossom27Itzcrystall0816MelissaC4000

I am open for ideas on what should happen next.


Time went by rather slowly.

Sabre unwillingly submitted to the Siren King, fearing to be hurt any further; wounds inflected have scarred over and are now a permanent feature on his body. There was nothing he could as his blindness left him dependent on others, something Nightmare concisely use against him; unlike Alex and her parents, they always let Sabre go until he asks or believed he needed help.

Speaking of which, Alex and her parent constantly worry about Sabre, they try to find any information on his well being; luckily, one of the guards who was with Nightmare when he took Sabre came over one day every other week to inform them of his situation. The family couldn't do anything as that would mean punishment for them and Sabre would still be in the king's hands. Alex wishes to have her best friend back but not all were granted.

Currently, Sabre was sitting on Nightmare's desk while the other read through the papers on it. When the brunet asked if there was anything for him to do, boredom took over fear just a moment, Nightmare grinned and picked up Sabre without warning then sat him on the piece of furniture, saying "You can sit here and look pretty for me, my precious jewel"

 So Sabre has been in the same spot for almost an hour, bored out of him mind but doesn't say anything. Then there was a knock on the door to which the King answered with "Enter"

(Funning thing, I actually hit the enter button where I spelt it out)

A servant, one around Sabre's age, swam in, "A-Apologies my K-King, but the cook w-wants to know if you would like to e-eat here or in the d-dining hall?"

Nightmare turned his attention to the brunet, his merciless gaze turned into something more positive, "Where would you like to eat my precious gem?"

The servant glanced at Sabre, 'So this is the king's chosen'

Caught off guard, Sabre stuttered, "I-I don't know. It d-doesn't matter I guess"

"I see" Nightmare's expression previous expression returned, "Bring it here, don't make us wait boy"

"Y-Yes your majesty!" The boy then scurried off, closing the door behind him.

The king chuckled seeing the mermaid go off in fear; it was absolutely delightful. His attention then went to the little mermaid sitting on his desk, for once after meeting him, Sabre looked calm, bored more than likely, but still.

"U-Um, King Nightmare?"

"Yes my precious jewel"

"C-Can you not stare? Please?"

"And why would I?" Nightmare got up then placed a hand on Sabre's tail (thigh) making the brunet jump a bit, "You can't expect me to not stare while you sit here, all nice and beautiful."

Sabre's face flushed red, "K-King-"

The siren interrupted him by placing his other hand on his check (face you dirty thinkers), "Come now, I have a nickname for you, it would be appropriate for you to do the same thing" 

Nightmare's voice had a bit of suggestive, swaying the brunet's response.

"I don't, I don't know what to" Sabre's mind felt a bit fuzzy.

"My precious jewel, most valuable treasure" Nightmare said, brushing the mermaid's check with his thumb, " remember what I said for you to call me?"  

"T-To call you m-my-"

Before the final word could be uttered, there was a knock on the door, breaking the bit of control Nightmare had over Sabre. The angered king growled for someone daring to interrupt the time with his jewel.

"King Nightmare?" Sabre asked in questioned.

Sabre was not expecting for Nightmare to pick him up then place him across his lap in a matter of seconds.

"Enter" Nightmare growled.

The servant from before followed by another entered with trays of food in their hands.


"Place it on my desk then leave" Nightmare all but threaten.

Working for the king for sometime, the servants made haste to do as told then quickly left, fearing for their lives. Sabre blinked, not fully understanding  what occurred in mere seconds. All he knows is that King Nightmare was angry and dare not to say a word in case the siren takes is anger on him. As for Nightmare, he was trying to calm himself, whenever that voice of suggestion is used, it causes his emotions spiral out of control. The only reason he didn't attack the two servants was because Sabre's here. Nightmare look at the brunet, feeling his heart flutter seeing confusion in those wonderful clouded grey eyes and his small hands on Nightmare's chest.

"My little jewel" Nightmare spoke, moving some hair out of Sabre's face, "how are you?"

"F-Fine I guess"

"Really?" Nightmare tilted Sabre's head up so they were face-to-face, "Normally mermaids and sirens want to turned and run, but you seem unfazed"

Sabre curled himself into Nightmare's hold, "I-I"

"You know, I think you're starting to develop feelings for me" Panic invaded Sabre's eyes and Nightmare then said in a purr, "Oh my precious, so innocent, so naïve. What should I do with this new found information?"

"P-Please" Sabre whimpered.

Nightmare smirk then kissed Sabre's head, "Don't worry, I don't plan on doing anything to you, not until you're of age. I do follow certain rules set by the council. Though when that time comes; your mind, body and very soul belongs to me and me only. You will be eternally bonded to me and become my partner to rule the creatures of the sea."

Sabre closed his eyes tightly, unaware he was shaking in Nightmare's hold.

Unable to help himself, Nightmare cooed at the mermaid, "Awe, don't hide yourself form me, I want to see every bit of you, including your eyes"

The brunet shook his head, "Please no"

If it was anyone else who disobeyed him, then Nightmare would have their head, but since it was Sabre, the defiance was hilarious.

"I'll let you go on this for once" Nightmare whispered then kissed Sabre's head, "We only have to wait a few more weeks until you're of age then the fun begins"

The siren then glanced at his communicator when it lite, reading the message then chuckled, 'Seems the entertainment will be coming sooner than I anticipated.'


Word count: 1054

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