TheLMare Part 3

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Requested and prompt by somerando73

I kinda sorta maybe would like to see part three. 

Cousins re-unite, Light acts like the fluffy cute bean he is, the people from that mean village get their butts handed to them (courtesy of Nightmare), poor Rainbow is confused into oblivion. Just some ideas. Idk. Whatever you think would be fun to write.


It was in the middle of the night, about every being has gone to sleep only a few to stay awake for a reason or none. One of those was Nightmare who sat on a chair next to Lucas' bed still in the medical wing and reading a book. Counting tonight, Lucas has been resting for over a month now; the former guard really did damage to him: broken leg, fractured ribs, a minor concussion, bruises, cuts and much more that Nightmare could hardly remember. The Steve didn't care about the physical damage done to the boy, instead the mental is what he was curious about. Words spoken weeks ago repeated in his head consistently and Nightmare's curiosity only grew so he decided to do some research. Thanks to an old friend, Nightmare managed to get quite a bit of information on both humans. Let's just say, the more he read, the more he wants to burn the humans' village  until there's nothing left.

The village was notorious for abusing beings with powers, anyone born as a hybrid were forced to use their powers until they can barely do anything and only receive enough food and water to sustain themselves. There's been tales if a child is born with certain features then they would end up the same. Even as children, they were forced to do as they were told and punished if they were not right. Only those born with one or more 'normal' traits were spared: brown hair, brown eyes, black hair, certain types of hair styles. The village was just ridiculous! And apparently Lucas had one of the worse case scenario: blue eyes means good luck and blonde hair means fortune to come. 

Now Nightmare thought Lucas was lying about the other human since he has brown hair which is considered a 'normal' trait, but, according to the book, Sabre was in worse situation than Lucas even though he has a 'normal' trait, that should have lessen the punishment but not in Sabre's case.

Nightmare signed then glanced at the blonde who seemed so peaceful even after the childhood he's was forced to live go through.


The Steve look up to see Dark standing in front of the closed doors.

"Dark, you should be asleep by now" The king frown at the younger.

"Sorry, but what's going to happen?"

Signing once again, Nightmare look back to the sleeping human, "Now I understand why these humans are so persistent and react to certain gestures. When the boy didn't fight when being beaten up and was unfazed afterwards, I thought it was odd, but now I see it was normal for him." Nightmare looks back to Dark, "How is Light doing?"

"He's.." Dark thought for a moment, "He's okay I think, he's been distant and....has nightmares. He screams for Lucas, begging for him to be okay"

"Is he awake?" Nightmare then seen the expression on Dark's face and chuckled a bit, "You can come in Light, I did say you have permission"

As if on que, Light's head poke through the door then entered the room, closing the door behind him. The Steve look like a mess: bags under his eyes, hair messier than bed head, eyes tired void of any positivity.

"I-Is he okay?" Light asked, voice dry.

"He's fine, just asleep so there's nothing to worry about" The king reassured.

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