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Purple Steve x Galaxy Steve

Requested by MelissaC3000

Merry Christmas everyone!


The world is from 'Realistic Steve Saga - Meeting Purple Steve"

Purple has always known Galaxy, ever since the starry Steve came to his world and decided to live in it after Purple showed him pickles. It was funny to see his reaction even more with his declaration to stay, well that was only with Purple looking back on that. That memory along with a few others were the only things that made Purple happy. Galaxy had left, promising that he would come back in a few hours but hours turned to days, days turned to weeks until it was a month that Purple figured that his friend found some place better. After two months, Purple gave up on hoping the Steve would return and continued his lonely life before he met Galaxy. It hurt to know that your only friend abandoned you after promising to come back..

So far it's been four months since then and Purple was outside farming pickles in his little garden when he heard thunder from a distance. Curious, Purple went over to where the lightning struck and found a crater with someone laying in there.

"Ugh, what happened?" The being said in a voice that sounded familiar to Purple.

The being rubbed his head before looking up to see a Steve standing at the edge of the crater he was in, a Steve he hasn't seen for a long time.

"P-Purple?!" Galaxy shouted in surprise and in happiness

"Galaxy" Purple frowned, he had mixed emotions about the situation but knew that he was hurt.

Going into the crater, Purple helps Galaxy stand up by putting one of his arms around his abondamal then one of Galaxy's around his shoulders. Of course Galaxy winced due to the pain he was feeling throughout his body and did his best not to scream. Besides that, he was happy to see his best friend once again, though it turned from a few hours to longer. Purple helped Galaxy onto his bed before going to get medical supplies to patch the other up. Meanwhile, Galaxy looked around the Purple Steve's home and noticed it was different from the last time he saw it.

"Man, you really redecorate this place" Galaxy said when Purple came back in, "I thought things wouldn't have changed as much since I've been gone"

Purple started to patch the starry Steve up, "Yeah, a lot of things have changed."

Galaxy sensed that he didn't want to talk and kept his mouth closed until Purple was finished.

"So, since I'm back, want to go fishing? I really want to catch more pufferfish"

"No thank you, I need to get back to my farm" Purple said as he pulled out his hoe before heading out.

"Can we go afterwards?"

No answer

Thinking he didn't hear, Galaxy laid down on Purple's bed and smiled, he really did miss Purple since he's been away. In all honesty, out of all the dimensions he went to and everyone he has met, Purple is the only person he considered his friend, well that was before meeting Sabre and Rainbow, but Purple is his best friend; they've known each other for four years. During those four years, Galaxy noticed things about Purple that didn't make any sense now. He would smile more and respond when Galaxy said or ask something by either talking or a movement of some sort instead of ignoring him. The Steve turned onto his side, his mind filled with thoughts of his friend and what could have happened while he was gone.

With Purple, he just finished planting pickles and was now sitting under a tree with a water bottle in his hand. Farming didn't take his mind off Galaxy and the emotions he should feel right about now: should he be happy that he is back? Or angry for leaving him all this time? Purple was so confused on what to do and just wanted to teleport elsewhere to clear his head, but with his mind all messed up, it was hard to concentrate on where he wants to go.

"Why can't I think?" Purple looked down, his hair covered his face, "Why can't I be angry or happy he's back? Why do I feel both?"


Word count: 724

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