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Origin Steve x Galaxy Steve 

Requested by MariMarionette65

High School AU.


Origin and Alex are siblings who competed in everything. When I say everything, I mean everything, not just sports and academics. First to get home, get to the cafeteria, class, everything. Their friends know this and find it funny at some points, but it did get old so they would leave the two to their bickering. They had one competition that neither has won: get the heart of their crush, Galaxy. Galaxy was the one who was the deciding figure when the siblings compete and would usually make a compromise that the other two could agree on. The duo fought to get him on their side to the point they make it a competition to get him fully.

That was the plan until Galaxy moved away with his older brother after their parents got a divorce and their dad got them. The trio kept in contact but as time went on, Galaxy talk to them less and less due to his new responsibilities. From what Origin and Alex know, their childhood friend and his brother has to take care of their half-siblings (3) after their mom got into trouble along with their other siblings their dad had with someone else. So in total they got 4 younger brothers and 1 little sister ranging from 5 to 10 years old.

Even if Galaxy moved back, he was responsible for his brothers and sister, and won't have time for a relationship. Eventually the siblings gave up, but they could never replace him as no one else could stand their antics.

As of now, the siblings were sitting in their class, bored out of their minds as their teacher lectured about something they know about/could care less about. Alex tried to pay attention while Origin buried his head into his arms. Unexpectedly, the door opened and a student walked grabbing everyone's attention especially Alex and Origin's.

"Oh yes, you must be the new student" The teacher said, "Mind introducing our self?"

The boy nodded and turned to the rest of the class with a big smile, "Hi! My name is Galaxy and I moved here with my dad and 6 siblings"

"Six!" Someone spurted out.

"Dang, you dad been busy!" Another said.



Galaxy tilted his head and explained, "My dad had my older brother and I with my mom before they got a divorce. My mom had 3 of my younger brothers with someone else while my dad had my younger brother and sister"

"Feel bad for your sister"  A girl said, "Surrounded by so many guys" 

The teacher claps her hands together to end the talking then said, "Alright, Galaxy you can sit by hmmm"

During the time Galaxy was talking, Origin - not hearing his name when it was said - was focused on his features. Just like his childhood friend/crush, his hair is different shades of purple with black mix into, golden eyes shine brightly and has the combination of clothes just like his hair. The only difference was his hair being longer and the shadows under his eyes from tiredness.

As for Alex, she heard the guy's name and instantly knew it was her and her brother's childhood friend and her use to be crush. Alex had gotten over her crush on him before Galaxy moved so she could make her brother jealous and tease him about it. Besides, she knows Galaxy had a crush on Origin since he usually took his side when they were kids and up until Galaxy moved.

The siblings snap out of their thoughts when they heard a 'thud' followed by laughter and seen Galaxy on the ground. Origin was quick to help him and glared at the guy who had stuck his foot to cause Galaxy to fall.

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