DarkSabre Part 2

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'When I didn't think this night could get any worse.'

Sabre thought bitterly. Currently he was on his knees with hands tied behind his back and a bag over his head in a room with barely any light from what he could tell. 

'What did I do to deserve this?! Just because I argued with Dark?! It was none of his business, he needs to learn nothing always goes according to plan.' Sabre gritted his teeth.

"He's in here sir." A voice outside of the room said.

"Good, let's meet our guest."

The door opened for three men to enter and suddenly, the bag was taken off and Sabre was able to see the three men better. All were in black with the middle one wearing a red tie that seemingly match his piercing olive eyes.

"Sabre?!" The middle shouted in surprised, "What in the balmy name is he doing?!"

"This is the man you told us to get, he fit the description sir!"

"The boy is wearing a bandanna for Ather's sakes! You didn't even check his eye color! Besides, this boy was not to be touched!"

Now Sabre recognized that voice, "Mr. Stephen?"

The man's eyes softened before hardening when he looked at his men, "Untie him, now!"

Not wanting to anger their boss anymore, they untied Sabre and tried to help him off the ground though the brunet fought against them.

"What is going on here?! Why was I randomly grabbed off the street by two guys who look like they belong in the mafia?!" Sabre questions then realizes, "Oh my, I'm going to kill Dark!"

"Guessing you figured it out?" The man chuckled, "I am sorry Sabre, I didn't want our first meeting to be like this. Something more inviting would have been better."

Sabre groaned, "This explains somethings, like Dark's attitude."

"He actually got most from his mother. Oh yes, where are my matters, my name is Nightmare, it's finally nice to meet you Sabre." 

"Uh, sir?" One of the men spoke only to receive a glare, "S-Sorry."


Both scurried out the room.

Nightmare went back to Sabre, "Dark told me you ran out, why so late?"

"We had an argument, that's all." Sabre crossed his arms. 

"Bad enough for you to go out even though you know how dangerous it is? Especially alone? I believe you had a few friends living in the same building to stay with."

The brunet flinch, he wasn't thinking rationally.

"Dark told me what you argue about, Sabre, my boy just wants to help you. Why don't you let him? Why won't you let anyone help?"

Sabre hugged himself, "No one ever did, I don't want to start."

Nightmare smiled a bit, "My wife said the same thing, she was unwanted by her family and mainly everyone around her. Those she friended; she didn't trust at all, and it took so long for her to believe my love is genuine."

"Dark talked about his mom a lot." Sabre always seen warmth in Dark's eyes every time he talks about his mom, "He said I remind him of her."

Nightmare nods, "I only met you a few minutes and see why."

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