My Prince Part 2

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Yandere Siren Reverse x ThelSpike

Ship and part 2 requested by MelissaC3000, 

Requested by DarkBlossom27Itzcrystall0816


Eleven years had passed since Reverse met his little prince and continuously to sneak around to see the blonde to make sure he's safe and satisfy his need to see him. Only Reverse's family knew what he was doing and why. Preparations were being made for the young prince when he neared the coming age to make him feel welcome and show him none of the supernatural will hurt him. They were needed as Lucas had fallen into a deep depression because of one person: his aunt.

Flashback 2 years ago

Lucas was listening to his cousin about Professor Red taking him as an apprentice when he returns. Prof. Red is famous for making all sorts of inventions to benefit of the kingdom and it has been his cousin's dream to work with him. Not only would he work under the person he admires the most, but he gets to escape his mom and siblings hopefully never to go back to them again.

As the boys talk, three guards approach them and one of them forcefully pulled Lucas' cousin away from him.

"Sabre Favre, you are under arrest for bring the young prince harm by orders of Lady Laura Favre"

"Wait what!" 

Sabre struggle to get out of the guard's hold while Lucas tried to help him but was held back by the other two. Hopelessly, Lucas watch as his cousin being dragged off.

"Can't believe that boy thought he tricked us" One laughed , "Posing as a son of a royal to get close to the prince"

"I know" The other laughed as well then look at the prince, "My prince, did that boy did anything to you? His sentence will be worse if he has done anything to you."

Lucas didn't say anything, his hands clench into fists.

"U-Um, m-my p-pr-" The second guard was cut off when the blonde punch the first making him fall to the ground.

"You. Took. My. Cousin." Lucas growled, "He didn't do anything to anyone"

The two look at the 15-year-old in shock, the boy never got angry and was usually peaceful. Seeing this side of him, the guards felt they made the wrong move.

Lucas walked away then stopped to say, "Consider you two and that other guard fired, and will face jail time for doing that to him."

The blonde walk to where his parents were to see his aunt and two cousins with them.

"Ah, Lucas how-"  The queen was inturrupted when her son slammed his hands on the table and look at Laura.

"What. Did. You. Do!" Lucas yelled.

To make a long story short: Laura was stripped of her title, her son had to work as a servant, her daughter was given to her deceased husband's brother in hopes she won't grow up like her mother. Lucas' dad didn't want to do that to his sister, but he and his wife were worried about their son. Both Sabre and Lucas had a special connection that kept themselves at bay, but now they are separated, they didn't know what will happen.

Flashback over

Now Lucas was sitting at the edge of the shore, this place where he spent most of his time after Sabre was taken from him 2 years ago. It turns out Laura had sold her own son to a man to 'begone with someone so useless'.  Lucas almost snapped then and there if his mom hadn't taken him outside. Word spread of what happened to his cousin, the guards who obeyed his aunt were arrested and punished. Professor Red was just as heartbroken as he was looking forward to work with the boy, especially when he was going to adopt him knowing his mother was planning to dump him in the streets in a matter of time. So not only Laura was stripped of her title, but she is now frowned down by everyone for selling a boy who was full of potential that would benefit the kingdom.

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