A Wish in an Illusion Part 3

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I don't know why, but I got and wanted Illusion and Sabre's relationship here to be like in this YouTuber's videos with Monty and Freddy. (The one above is my favorite out of them all)

I really didn't have an idea for this part to be honest. I thought Part 2 would be a dud like some of the other one-shot

No more parts for this

Requested by:


There was a flash of light before everything faded back to normal, well too normal.

Alex was first to open her eyes and gasped, "Who are you?!"

"Alex what are you-" Guardian cut himself short seeing a girl who look like Alex but not at the same time, "A-Alex?"


Guardian still appeared the same but now his hood is down to reveal brown hair and orange-ish eyes. 

Illusion, the oddly calmest of the trio, hums as he looks at their surroundings, "Hmm, so this is the real world"

Both snapped their head to Illusion. The Steve looked nothing like he did before: the hoodie now wears is the same colors as he used to be, but now Illusion has brown pants with rips at the knees, his hair is silver with blue ends and purple highlights and his eyes are blue. 

"I had seen this place before" Illusion said then walk to a door without further explanation

"Illusion what are you doing?!" Guardian whispered-yelled but was ignored

As if he was expecting it, the door opened, and Illusion grabbed the person then pulled him close.

"Hello handsome" Illusion smirk.

The person has brown hair and green eyes that were widened in surprise, "I-Illusion?! Wha- How?!"

Immediately Guardian and Alex recognized that voice from anywhere.



"Here" Sabre, or Elan now, hands both Alex and Guardian a cup of tea before taking a set next to Illusion.

The four of them are in the living room where Alex and Guardian sat on one couch as the other two sat across of them with a coffee table right in the middle. The newcomers sat in silence, taking in everything that they heard while Elan anxiously waited for either of them to say anything. Illusion just sat back with his arm resting across the back of the couch and feet on the table.

"So" Guardian cleared his throat, "Y-You're telling us that you are Sabre, yet you are not? T-That Illusion came here before?"

"A-And that we're just...characters from a game?" Alex shook, "A-And there's more of you?"

"Yes, no, I-" Elan signs, "It's complicated, that's why we don't anyone to know"

"I'm sorry, 'we'?"

"Yeah, there's more of us. But, for the sake of everyone's sanity, let me give you the basics. My name is Elan, I am the...starting point as you can say. I'm the first, and the core. The person you know as Sabre is a character who turned to be a person in your world. I control him most of the time, so don't worry, you're always talking to me. The other personas as they are known for live in different worlds, dimensions pretty much. Um, any questions so far?"


"I think you broke them" Illusion commented.

Elan signed and fell back into the couch, "This is why I don't want to tell anyone; this is why everyone keeps it a secret"

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