FavremyNight Part 5

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Requested and prompt by Itzcrystall0816

Part 5?
            I also have a few ideas if you want to used like Alex tried saving Sabre from Nightmare Steve because she was worry and concerned for what Nightmare Steve is doing to him but was caught before she could reach him or she succeed getting to him but was caught and was tortured and then eventually was killed in front of the people as Nightmare Steve threaten them that will happen to them if they try doing what Alex did, eventually this got to Sabre and become scared and afraid from Nightmare Steve more and try to distance himself from him but can't because of Nightmare Steve
             My second idea is Sabre really had enough and really wanted to leave but just his blindness stopping him that's why the guard that was giving information to Alex and her family helped him escape as he felt pity and sadness for him but was caught, the guard told Sabre to make a run for it while the guard stayed and gave him much time as he needed to escape and then eventually got killed, Sabre decided to not return back to Alex and her family as he doesn't want them to get hurt and decided to get as far as away as possible, Sabre manage to get as far away as possible and live somewhere far away as well and was able to survive from the animals helping him out and him practicing to do stuff while being blind, after a while he started to felt like his being watch and then eventually Nightmare Steve revealed himself and said to Sabre that he can't escape and that he will always find him no matter where he go because of his scent since Nightmare Steve like marked him as his, he brought Sabre back punish him and make sure he won't be able to escape ever again

I'm going to try mixing these two up


Alex sat with her parents as all listen to the guard - Guardian - tell them about Sabre's condition and him being safe and healthy were the only good portions. Unfortunately, the situation was about get worse as King Nightmare is getting impatient about marking Sabre and seemed ready to claim him at any moment. None of them liked the situation at all but couldn't do a single thing as they feared what the king would do to them if they tried to get Sabre.

Alex's parents went to another room, leaving Alex and Guardian to talk.


"Thank you, Guardian," Alex smiled slightly, "For everything"

The siren sign, "I wish I could do more, I owe the kid that much"

As weird and funny as it is, Guardian use to look after young mermaids and sirens as volunteer work, but never really paid attention. It was when Guardian found young Sabre beaten and bruised when he took his job serious and protective of the boy until he was transferred elsewhere. 

Guardian swam to the door, but stopped, "Alex, I know you care for Sabre as a brother, but no one can escape the king, especially now that he has claimed Sabre as a mate."

Alex didn't say anything more as Guardian swam out, leaving her alone with her thoughts and unspoken words. Clenching her fists tightly enough to cause indentations in her palms, she thought bitterly.

'That king! He takes and takes and takes! He takes values, he takes lives, he takes everything! Sabre doesn't deserve this, he's only a baby. he's only a baby....' That last thought brought tears to the mermaid's eyes.

In her and so many others eyes, Sabre is still just a baby in different ways. To Alex, he doesn't know hardly anything about the real world, he was completely innocent to everything.

'I'm so sorry Sabre, I'm so sorry brother'


Sabre was once again sitting on Nightmare's desk, after yesterday's events, Nightmare insisted that the mermaid stay there every time he does work. The siren went between his work and watching Sabre, hand never leaving the boy's tail just like the light blush on the brunet's cheeks. 

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