My Prince Part 4

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Requested by MelissaC4000

This has nothing to do with it, but in Memories Lost Found, should I keep Echo and Nightmare a thing or have Nightmare shipped with someone else or....?

I also decided to do Rainbow and Blue's relationship and I'll include Void as well becasue don't we love BlueBow and VoidBow.  


Four years have passed since Lucas became mated to the Siren Prince Reverse and quite a bit happen:

Nightmare met his second chance mate, a dragon named Elemental. Rainbow and Blue finally mated a few months after Blue accepted that he was not what others say he is. Dark started to live in his own castle a year or so ago. Reverse and Lucas fully bonded and the whole kingdom couldn't be more happy for them; well there a few who didn't like it for various of reasons mainly because they wanted the prince for themselves.  As for Light stayed revativly the same, his dad along him out more as long as he was home when and during mating season happens; neither Nightmare nor Light's brothers want to him to lose his purity just yet. The treaty between the Supernatural and humans has been spread throughout the world now many have united as one. 

Though not everything was good. Lucas still looks for Sabre, not giving up and don't care when people say he's gone forever or is dead. Blue has been in a coma for almost a year after he and Rainbow mated two years prior, only to wake up not even three months later.

Currently, the family were planning to visit the eldest son's castle after not seeing him for so long. Light flew out earlier to tell his brother the news so he would prepare as Dark want to impress the king side of his dad. Meanwhile, everyone else were getting ready as they would be staying there for a few days.

Now in Lucas and Reverse's shared room in Lucas' home, Lucas was trying to pack while the siren was trying to show his love to his mate.

"Rev, stop" Lucas groan as his mate once again pinned him onto the bed, "We still need to pack"

Reverse ignored him as he nibble on his neck to which Lucas tried to surpress any noise to not give the other the satisfaction.

"Come on my prince, I want to hear that voice of yours~" Reverse whispered subjectively. 

"No, we need to get ready" Lucas scolded as he tried to push the other off him then signed, "If you get off me now, you can do that thing you like to do with me when we get back"

Almost immediately Reverse stopped and went to their closet to pack clothes. Lucas signed, he won't be able to walk or talk for a week when they come back knowing Reverse is going to abuse their deal. The blonde helped his mate, once done there was a knock on the door.

"Lucas, honey, can we come in?" 

"Yeah mom"

(Don't think I said his parents' names yet.)

Morgan came in followed by with her husband, Dan, then Lucas' personal guard, Infinity. Lucas was 10 when Infinity was assigned to be his guard and the 15 year old made sure to do his job right from the start. Unfortunately, he done too good of a job since he wouldn't allow hardly anyone near him, except for his cousin as it is or was a rule that the two be together no matter what, so him and Reverse don't really see eye-to-eye.

"Hey mom, dad, is there something you need?"

Morgan hugged her son, before saying, "Sweetie, your father and I wonder if you could bring Infinity with you? I know you have your mate and his family, but..."

"I get it and sure" Lucas smiled then look to Reverse, "It's okay, right?"

Reverse, who was having a glaring match with Infinity, said it was fine even though he objected very much but he couldn't say no to Lucas or his parents. Lucas grin and hugged the siren who returned the hug while smirking at Infinity.

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