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Yellow Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by lifewithlily2007

So I went back to find another time Sabre met a Yellow Steve, turns out he did, the Yellow King, the one who blamed Rainbow for the fall of his kingdom (in my opinion). Though it was one episode or so, here's something. References might be wrong so don't yell at the author!

Based on: 'I Found The Ruins of Lost Steves' and 'The Ghost of Yellow Steve'


It was another day of walking and another day of Rainbow complaining how his feet hurt from walking. Them and Purple have been aimlessly walking around the world, just wondering around to find a new place to call home or find more Steves or other entities. Old friends and foes have become memories of the past, now the trio are moving forward with life. 

As the three walked through a forest, Purple suddenly fell to his knees, letting out a painful groan that caught the others' attention. This wasn't new as Purple is still recovering from using so much of his energy in the Blackhole Dimension and collapses at random times; thankfully they occur less and less with each day. Since this happened as the sun was setting, Sabre decided that they should set up camp and went to work doing so. Purple laid down on his sleeping bag with Rainbow's help then fell asleep. Rainbow went to gather sticks and rocks for the campfire. Sabre set up the rest of the camp and started on cooking, Notch knows that he won't let Rainbow touch anything dealing with cooking. After eating, they all fell asleep, well most of them.

The next morning, Sabre was woken by Rainbow shaking him and shouting for him to wake up.

"Sabre! Sabre! Wake up!" Rainbow shouted, "I found something really cool! Wake up!"

"Mmmm" Sabre opened his eyes and muttered, "Rainbow stoooooop"

 "Sorry! But you have to see this!" Now Rainbow was trying to drag Sabre.

"At least write a note for Purple and let me get dress" Sabre huffed.


Sabre ley out an 'oof' when his friend shoved a set of clothes in his arms then ran out to do who knows what. Signing, the human changed out of his chicken onesie into a green sleeveless, hooded jacket, white long sleeve shirt, and black pants. His onesies kept on getting dirty and torn up so using them as pjs was the only option to keep them mostly safe.

The moment Sabre exit his tent, Rainbow grabbed his hand and lead him somewhere.

"Rainbow?! Where are we going? We need to tell Purple!" 

"You'll see and I wrote a note! Come on!"

Soon they came to a clearing where Sabre seen something he hasn't seen for years: a structure. 

"Do you see this Sabre?!" Rainbow grinned.

"I see that, what is this? This looks like an entire castle!"

"Let's go check it out!" The Steve said before running to the castle.

Sabre ran after him, telling the other to wait as they don't know exactly what the place is and they have to be cautious. Reminding Rainbow about the 'what-ifs' of what the blackhole could have done. Unfortunately, the Steve was too excited to listen and continued on with the human trying to catch up. Eventually, Rainbow stopped at what seemed to be a bridge, giving Sabre time to catch up and get his breath back.

Glaring at Rainbow through his bandanna, Sabre went to observed the area, making his own theories and guesses about the abandon kingdom while they walk through it. The further they went, the darker the story seemed to get, especially when they found some signs, the first one Sabre read:

You Decide - Steve Saga(4) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now