TheLMare Part 2

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Requested by Itzcrystall0816, MelissaC3000, fan_girl221, MicroLN


It's been almost a month since Nightmare kidnapped Lucas and put him into cell only to visit him that one time then left a guard in charge of watching him. Aside from the guard, Lucas only seen Light after Dark was done doing what ever he does with the snowy Steve, and that wasn't often. Nightmare has been dealing with other matters that he pretty much forgotten all about the blonde but that changed one day.

Nightmare was working on some papers when Dark entered his office without knocking and Dark always knocks no matter how much the king tells him not to. The king was about to ask when he took noticed of the smaller Steve being dragged into the office. 

"Dark, what can I do for you?"

"Me, nothing. Him on the other hand" Dark shoved Light forward, "needs some help with his talking because he clearly doesn't understand simple orders!"

The green-eyed Steve then grabbed the white hair and yanked up forcing Light to look up to reveal what he was hiding: a large bruise. Instantly, Nightmare asked what happened to which Dark replied

"That's what I've been asking him!" Dark growled then let of Light's hair in favor of throwing up his arms, "We were talking then a servant bumped into Light and spilt water on him. Apparently, he's been hiding  it with makeup for sometime along with other things that I will speak to you later."

Looking at the frighten Steve, Nightmare said, "Light, say who did this to you or-"

"H-He'll hurt him" Light whimpered, back to looking down now in shame.

"Who'll hurt who?" Even Dark exchanged anger for confusion.

"H-Him, he hurts him and said if I said anything he'll hurt him more."

"Do you forget who we are?" Dark scoff, "No one would dare- *signs then in a calmer tone*  just tell us Light, whoever did this clearly disobeyed an order to not to hurt let alone hurt touch you"

When Light refused to say once again, Nightmare decided a bit of force on his side was necessary and the only way was to bring up someone he pretty much forgotten,  "If you don't tell us then you won't see that human you're fond of until you say who did this"

Light's instantly head shot up, "No please! He doesn't hurt Lucas when I'm there! He'll hurt Lucas the longer I'm away!"

The two were taken aback at his outburst; Dark has been with Light for a long time and he never heard him shout.

"So" Nightmare started, "who ever it is has access to the dungeons and to blondie's cell. Only Dark has access to it along with that guard and I"

The Steve in question bit his lip, they knew who did it, they know who is disobeying their orders between not laying a hand on Light or on Lucas. Nightmare walked out with Dark and Light following him all the way to the dungeons. Prisoners backed away at the sight of the Nightmare King and Dark Prince, but neither Steve took notice as they entered another room where they kept the human in. There they found something they didn't expect: the human curled up on the ground with cuts, bruises and blood around him as his supposed guard kicked him in the ribs.

"You worthless human! Because of that other one, more of us are lost! I'm going to make sure you feel all of their pain! Then when that other human is capture I'll make sure you watch as I hurt him until he doesn't want to live!" The guard shouted.

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