I'm Sorry

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Requested by DarkBlossom27

Origin Steve x FavremySabre x Void Steve


Nearly a year since everything has happened. Now Steves are living in peace with one another, and the darkness has diminished all together. The Rainbow Town has been rebuilt and many Steves live there, friends and foes alike. Everyone was happy and enjoying the new life given to them; however, there are some with regret and making anew. Most, if not all, were to make it up to a certain human.

Void was speaking to his brother when he seen Sabre pass by them, Galaxy of course said something.

"You know he forgive you, right? He forgave everyone." 

"Doesn't mean I forgive myself." Void looked down, "I caused much of his pain, why did I have to be so power hungry."

Galaxy frown, over the recent months he had regain most of his memories and understood his brother's need for power: to have some sort of control over the world. Even though they were basically gods, their world's code prevents them from utilizing that title properly. Galaxy step over the line once before to save Void and was punished by being stripped of his control over time and elements, creating two new entities. Void faced the same consequences and ended losing the ability to remove or give someone's memories. He went a bit mad when he couldn't restore his brother's memories a year later after an incident.

"We have our reasons Void" Galaxy placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You were angry at the world for the fate it gave us, but we were able to have the young ones."

The hooded Steve couldn't help but to smile, when they were stripped of their powers, young ones came to be. Time, Elemental, Memory, Illusion, Reality, all of them made losing some of their powers worth it. 

"I still want to make it up to Sabre." Void signs, "If not for what I've done then for what he has done for me, for us."

Galaxy nods, "Yes, maybe you could get him a gift or make him something?"

"Maybe, I might ask the boys, Time and Illusion might have an idea considering they are the closest to Sabre."

The stary Steve raised an eyebrow, "Illusion? Really?"

"Don't ask me, last I seen those two were all buddy-buddy and Illusion spends most of his time with Sabre."

"Is that where he goes? I've been wondering." Galaxy then shrugged, "Come on, let's find them."


Origin sat on a roof, blankly staring at the Steves walking on the roads of the newly build Rainbow Town. Even though he was about to reset the world and threatened Steves whom then he destroyed later on, Origin was welcomed with open arms. Correction, Sabre was the one who welcomed him, the rest kept their distance just like the other Steves who caused pain to their world. Next to him was a fellow enemy, Nightmare who found the same spot to hid away yet keep an eye on everything.

"Sabre's back." Nightmare suddenly said, "Echo informed me earlier."

The deity said nothing, he only glanced from the Yellow Steve then back to staring blankly elsewhere.

"He changed a bit, finally got rid of that chicken onesie" Nightmare continued knowing the other was interested, "Still has that bandanna though, guess he's still insecure about his eyes or something."

"When is he leaving?"

Nightmare thought for a moment then look to his side, "Did he say anything?"

Echo appeared next to him, "He did not, though, Origin, if you want to say anything, now would be the time."

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