*Darby* Gotta love my bestfriend ;3 (Mike Fuentes)

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"Darby! Hurry your ass up before I leave you!" My best friend, Maddie yelled. She has a "surprise" for me which scares me but I'll go along with it.

"Okay! Lets go!" I yelled back booking it to her car.

"Are we there yet?" I asked again pissing Maddie off.

"God dammit Darby, shut the fuck up or I'll turn the car around!" She yelled trying not to laugh but not succeeding.

We came to a stop at a beach. "Beach? Yay! Fuck yeah, I love you!" I yelled jumping out of the car.

"You better and this isn't all of the surprise... So come on." Maddie said walking away.

There were four guys messing around on the beach. One noticed but I couldn't tell who it was until we got closer. "Okay Darby, meet Pierce the Veil... You know them all." She said smiling with Jaime's arms wrapped around her waist.

"Hi" I stuttered looking at them then my feet. I heard screaming.

"Jaime! Put me down!" She yelled before getting thrown in the water followed by laughter and splashes


"You're not getting off that easy." Mike said winking before throwing me over his shoulder then into freezing water. I grabbed his wrist pulling him in as well.

"Thought you might want to cool down." He winked making me turn red.

"Hey lovebirds come on!" Vic yelled making us both embarrassed.

"I'm gonna get more wood for the bonfire. Wanna come?" Mike held his hand out for me to take. I nodded taking his hand. He never let my hand go while we were walking along the beach.

"You're very pretty you know... I also heard you play drums. That's pretty hot." He said making me look down to hide my red face.

"It's also adorable when you blush." He said cupping my cheek and kissing me.


(Two years later)

"Mike where are we going?" I asked getting bored. "It's a surprise babe. We're almost there." Mike said smirking.

The car came to a stop and Mike blindfolded me. "If I fall, I'm dragging you're ass with me." I said holding onto Mike.

"Okay babe take off the blindfold." I pulled the blindfold to see a huge picnic blanket with candles on the beach we met.

"Mike it's perfect." I said hugging him tightly. We sat and talked for awhile.

"Darby?" He asked nervously.

"Yes?" He fumbled with a black velvet box. My eyes began to water.

"The minute I met you I fell for you. You're the only girl I could ever love except for a girl that would call you mom. Would you make me the happiest man and become Mrs. Fuentes?" He said.

I was too stunned to say anything so I jumped in his arms and kissed him. "So is that a yes?" He asked holding me in his arms.

"Definitely." I smiled. I love the beach so much more now, and my best friend for introducing us.

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