*Lana* Happily Ever After (Gerard Way & Jack Vincent)

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"Stay the fuck away from her." Gerard yelled. Who is he fighting with?

"Fuck off... Why would she ever want to go out with you?" Jacky seethed... Jacky and Gerard are fighting... Why?

I tuned their argument out as thoughts began to race about everything going on. I became so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice how heated the argument became. My thoughts broke when I saw Jacky throw a punch at Gerard. I raced towards him as he stumbled back. His nose was bleeding...  I took Gerard's hand leading him away from Jacky.

We ended up in the park and his nose finally stopped bleeding.

"What happened? Why did Jacky punch you?" I asked quietly. He looked at me before looking at his hands.

"We got into a fight about you... I've liked you for some time now and he said he liked you. But I've seen how he treats girls... And you deserve better than that. He would end up hurting you..." He trailed off.

I didn't say anything... No words were coming to mind. Nothing would do this moment justice. Instead of saying anything I slowly moved my hand towards his and intertwined our fingers. He looked up at me with a smile which I returned before leaning in for a kiss.

~One Year Later~

I sat with our daughter, Alex as Gerard sat next to me with our son, Lucas. We sat with our kids watching Disney movies all night long as a family... even if our kids were fast asleep bundled in their blanket in our arms... We were living our happily ever after...

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