*Jill* A Walk in the Park (Jake Pitts)

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It was early in the morning... probably six or seven o'clock in the morning when I decided to walk to the park and draw. There were a few people walking their dogs or people jogging past. Finding a tree off to the side; I sat down with music playing and began drawing.

I was off in my own world drawing until a medium sized dog ran up to me excitedly jumping around and licking my face. I smiled setting aside the drawings and headphones to pet her.

"Trixy! Trixy!" Someone called out in the distance walking my direction. Once he saw the dog which I'm assuming her name is Trixy, he ran over.

"I'm so sorry about her..." He apologized nervously. Holding Trixy's leash to keep her from running off again. 

"It's okay... She's adorable. I'm Jill." I said standing up smiling.

"Jake." He said returning the smile. Before either of us had a chance to talk Trixy had us tangled in her leash. She barked pulling on the leash making us fall. I landed onto him and hid my face behind my hair to hide my embarrassment.

He tucked my hair behind my ear before lightly kissing my lips. Without hesitation I kissed back with a blush spreading my cheeks. After separating we managed to untangle ourselves from the leash. 

"Jill would you like to go get a coffee with me... and could I maybe get your number?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his neck. I smiled and nodded.


Days passed and each morning we would buy coffee and walk in the park. Today he asked if I'd like to go to his place and have a movie marathon.

Arriving at his place Trixy ran to me like she does every time she saw me. Blankets and junk food were all set up in his living room with a huge stack of movies to watch. We cuddled together as the movie started.

"Jill..." He trailed off mumbling to catch my attention. I looked at him and urged him to continue.

"I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" He asked looking hopeful. As an answer I smiled smashing my lips to his.

Afterwards we continued watching movies, playing with Trixy and so on all night long.


"So that's how you met mommy?" Our five year old daughter asked curiously. I nodded laughing.

"It was simply a walk in the park and the rest is history." Jake added smiling before chasing her around as the tickle monster.

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