*Chlo* Warped Love (Ben Bruce)

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Senior year finally... Graduation is in a couple hours so until then i put some movies on. I sat there with my stuffed panda toy that my absolute best friend, Ben Bruce got me when we were younger. I found pictures of us at prom and over the the years. Soon it was time to leave for graduation so i got ready quickly before running out the door slipping on vans to my car.

As soon as pulled up I saw Ben and the rest of his band hanging out. I'm close friends with them all but no where near as close as I am with Ben. Only two people know about my crush on Ben which are James Cassells and Sam Bettley. I snapped out of my thoughts when they noticed me in the car and waved me over.

The ceremony quickly ended and we sitting around talking until we split. "We'll pick you up for the party at eight." Danny yelled as we walked to our cars. I gave him a thumbs up and jokingly flipped off as I pulled out of the parking lot.

They ended up coming early so they could eat and wouldn't leave until I opened the door. "Holy shit what the hell is your problem!?" I yelled and they laughed.

"We're hungry!" They whined. I walked away from the door into kitchen with them following closely behind. I left a box of pizza on the counter that was devoured in seconds.

When we got to the party alcohol and people were everywhere. The guys already ran for drinks. I wandered around with my bottle of beer not drinking too much knowing I'm gonna babysit them. After a while of aimlessly walking around I saw Ben and the rest of the guys with girls. A pang of anger, sadness, and jealousy ran through me.

I took a larger gulp of my beer and kept walking until cops showed up. I quickly grabbed the guys and sped off to my house not getting caught. Sighing in relieve that I was able them without any of us getting arrested.

I dragged them in one at a time into the living room. After sitting them down I grab them each coffee and blankets knowing they aren't going anywhere. They were all passed out by the time I came back in. I took the only open spot next to Ben and fell asleep.

I woke up quickly changing and grabbed a bottle of Advil throwing it at them. "Chlo what time is it?" Danny asked taking some Advil.

"It's 12:50... Why?" I asked looking at them practically running to the door.

"Son of a bitch we're fucking late! We were supposed to leave an hour ago!" They ran around looking for their car keys.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I yelled they all looked at me staying silent.

"We were going to tell you... We got signed and we're moving..." James said quietly before trailing off.

"Congrats... Here are your keys. Don't want you to be late or anything." I said avoiding their eyes. Ben walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'll call you everyday as much as I possible can." He whispered to me before walking back to the guys and leaving. I stood there watching them drive away.

Ben called me everyday for about a week after they left and then just forgot about me I guess...

-5 years later

I walked around Warped Tour getting shit loads of new band tees, meeting cool people and listening to awesome music. I began making my way to go get something to eat when I heard a group of familiar voices.

I slowly turned to see Asking Alexandria messing around signing things for fans. I saw Ben look over making me turn and walk away. He wouldn't remember who I am... he hasn't talked to me in years. I shook the thought away and continued on enjoying Warped. I found a more secluded area pulled out a cigarette from my pack and lit it.

"You know that's a bad habit..." That voice used to be so familiar, makes my stomach knot, but that changed when fame came along.

"Yeah well there's worse I could do." I scoffed walking away when he grabbed my arm.

"Ben go away..." I said calmly snatching my arm away and tried to walk away.

"Chlo please don't go... I know I fucked up but please let me explain." Ben pleaded still holding my arm.

"There is nothing to explain Ben. You left me the day after graduation. You assholes never even told me you got signed or anything... Then you said you would talk to me which last a week. So why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop acting like you give a shit about what used to be." I said angrily stomping on the cigarette and leaving him standing there.

"I came back for you..." He said making me look at him.

"After a couple months when our tour ended I went back to your house and your parents said you left but wouldn't tell me where. I asked everyone but didn't get anywhere with it. I wanted to surprise you... After so long I tried calling but you blocked my number... And I do give a shit about what used to be and I wanna fix it so it still is like the way it used to be. He said walking up to me and looked down at me because of the height difference.

I wanted it to be like it was years ago. I was still inlove with him but I don't know if I should even bother. "James told me that you liked me too... And the thing is... I like you to." He smirked.

I looked up at him not saying a word. "Actually no I don't like you... I love you. I love how short you are... I love how when you're nervous you ramble. I fucking everything about you. I know you don't like relationships and that you're scared but let me be the one to change that. I promise I'll never leave nor let you go ever again. That was by far the biggest regret and mistake I ever made..." He rambled nervously so I kissed him.

"I've loved you for years and I still do..." I said quietly smirking.

"Stay with me... Come with me on tour and will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervous I'd say no which was cute.

"I'd love to and yes..." I smiled and kissed him again before hearing the guys cheering on how we're finally together and bullshit. But I'm now able to say my best friend, Ben fucking Bruce is my boyfriend....

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