*Deanna* Dear God (Jimmy The Rev Sullivan)

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The crowds roared as Zacky's guitar riffs rang out... Not long after Shadows voice sceamed out. I loved watching them play their sets... I watched my boyfriend Jimmy play the drums. He was always needing a new pair of drum sticks every two or three songs. After they finished their song Shadows began talking. I watched as Jimmy stood up and ran towrds me. I was about to ask him what he's doing but was cut off by him throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me on stage. 

"Well then... That's love everyone." Shadows joked gesturing to us. They began playing Dear God. Jimmy set me down wrapping his arm around my waist swaying from side to side. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my bright red face into his chest completely embarrassed and confused. His chest vibrated from laughter at my actions. The crowd awed at us causing my face to redden more. All too soon the song came to an end. Shadows handed Jimmy a microphone before he lowered on his knee.

"Deanna, I love you more than anything... And I want to spend the rest of my life you and grow old with you. You mean the world to me and I'd be lost without you. So will you give me the honor of becoming Mrs. Sullivan?" He said into the microphone holding my hand and nervously looking into my eyes. Tears immediately began falling. Not being able to speak I nodded quickly and jumped tackled him in a hug. The crowd roared louder than ever before. Tears staining his shirt. Once we split apart he slipped the diamond ring onto my finger and gave me a kiss. The guys laughed at us and Shadows said their goodnights and goodbyes to the crowd.

As he lead me off stage he kept kissing me and saying 'I love you'. After the set we decided to celebrate with drinks.

*Months Later*

I fixed my wedding dress staring in the mirror. The dress was gorgeous... Pure white with black lace. I grabbed by black rose bouquet and as if on cue it was time to go. The bridesmaids all wore black gowns and held red bouquets. Black and white rose petals scattered down the aisle and fairy lights hung on the ceiling. Black trees with white lanterns lined the aisle between the rows.

Jimmy took my hands as the priest began to speak. Soon it was time to exchange our vows. In the blink of an eye we were announced husband and wife. I smashed my lips to his in bliss and we walked out of the churched hand in hand.

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