*Sianna* Friday Movie Nights (Tony Perry)

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  Music was blaring as I sang along loudly getting everything ready for tonight. My absolute best friend, famous guitarist Tony Perry, just got back from tour and is spending the night. We have a tradition that every Friday or Saturday night we'll have a movie night. Just to relax and not worry about anything...

I didn't hear the door open due to the volume of the music. Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist making me scream in fear. I turned to see Tony laughing and I turned the music off.

"I missed you Sianna." Tony said hugging me tightly. He helped me take all the snacks out to the lounge. We talked about tour for a while and were catching up. He always got excited while talking about tour. We got cozy decided on watching Star Wars... After some arguing over the movie choices.

"Tony, lets make a fort!" I shouted excitedly listening to Tony laugh.

"As you wish." Tony mocked while laughing. I grabbed as many pillows and blankets as I could carry and help set them up.

After hours of turning my lounge into a fort we laid inside as movie credits rolled. I tiredly rested my head on Tony's shoulder with a yawn. He wrapped his arms me and played with my black hair.

"You tired?" he asked knowing the answer. You shook your head glancing up at him. For what felt like seconds we stared at each other before leaning in. He smashed his lips to mine creating fireworks... Making me wide awake.

"I wish we could stay like this forever..." I mumbled cuddling into his side. He tightened his arms around me.

"We can... Sianna would you like to be my girlfriend?" Tony whispered making me smile and kiss him as an answer.

"I'm glad you're home... I missed these nights." I confessed tracing the tattoos on his arms.

"I am too... And I've missed you." He replied. We sat there all night long watching movies and cuddling.

*2 Years Later*

"Babe the movie is about to start." I called out to my fiancé.

Moments later Tony came out with a bowl of popcorn. He sat next to me wrapping an arm around me and one rested on the small baby bump. Smiling I rest my head on his shoulder as the movie plays. Having our Friday movie nights again, where we can stay like this forever. 

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