*Veronica* You Can Run Away With Me (Gerard Way)

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He's leaving... My best friend... Gerard Way... The one who has been at my when it feels like the world is crashing down. I'll end up being a faded memory. I knew this day would come, I just always hoped it was me being paranoid.

Thoughts continued to eat away the peace in my mind. The broken glass crunching under my feet seems to echo forever. The old spray paint covering the walls was once bright and filled with happy times seems dull now. When he told me I just ran. Ran here... To the abandoned warehouse we found together the day we met.


I was late again to that stupid fucking algebra class... I could make out a group of airhead jocks crowding... someone. It was the new kid... Gerard I believe. I practically ran to them, stepping in front of Gerard.

"Get the fuck out of the way." One said trying to push me back.

"Touch me or him ever again I'll fucking kill you..." I threatened darkly.

"Sure you will bitch." Another laughed. I took out a switchblade from my pocket I keep for self defense.

"Do you really wanna try me..." I muttered steeping closer. Soon enough they ran off calling me names.

I turned to Gerard huddled on the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked and the only response was a small nod. I held my hand out for him to take which after a few moments he did and I led him out of the crappy school.

We walked silently through the woods... The only sound was the birds flying in the sky and the leaves beneath our feet, until he finally spoke. 

"Where are we going?" He mumbled still holding my hand. I simply shrugged telling him about how there's old abandon places scattered in the middle of nowhere and we're going to claim one ours. We ended up talking for hours...

~End of Flashback~

"Veronica?" A familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced over to him seeing the hurt etched on his face.

"I'm sorry..." I croaked. He pulled me into a hug making me want to break down knowing soon these hugs would be memories too.

"I can't leave without you... You've saved me for my worst nightmares. You're not only my best friend but the girl I've loved from day one. Nothing will ever change that. I love you and everything about you and that's why I'm asking for you to come with me... Will you?" He said while rest his chin on my head.

I pulled away from the hug and stared at him processing everything in my head. Not long after I nodded letting a tears fall as I hugged him tightly.

"I've always loved you too... Are you sure you want me to practically just run away with you" I said into his shoulder.

"You can run away with me anytime you want..." He whispered quoting my favorite song he wrote "Summertime". Wiping the remaining tears before smashing his lips to mine.

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