*Paige* Stomach Tied In Knots (Justin Hills)

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"Babe" Justin called out over the blaring music as I cleaned the house out of boredom. The guys were in the studio all day so I didn't have anyone to hangout with. Suddenly my music was shut off.

"What the fuck man? You don't mess with my music unless you want to get punched." I shouted only half joking. He walked up to me laughing, pulling by my waist for a hug. 

"Well I love you too." He smirked kissing me. I buried my head into the crook of neck as we stood in the middle of the room. There was complete silence; the only sound was our breathing and his heart beat. We were in our own world which was pure bliss and peacefulness.

"I have a surprise for you so grab your shoes." He mumbled dropping his arms from my waist. I ran grabbing my shoes and back to him. He laughed at my excitement. The entire drive he wouldn't tell me where we were going or any hints. After what felt like hours of driving we finally stopped. We were parked on the side of the road near the woods.

"Um babe... Are you going to murder me and bury me in the woods so no one can find my body... I'm too young to die." I yelled which caused him to burst out laughing.

"Baby, I think you've been watching too many horror movies." He stated which made sense, he took my hand leading me towards wherever. We ended up at a cliff side which looked gorgeous since the sun began setting. He had an entire picnic set up and fairy lights draped over tree branches making it look like a fairytale scene.

"Oh god babe it's perfect... Did you do all of this by yourself?" I asked in compete awe.

"It's nothing compared to you, and I had a little help." He said smiling as we sat on the blanket laid out.

"Is this what you ad the guys were doing all day, instead of going to the studio?" I questioned piecing it together. He nodded in response. We sat talking and laughing for hours. The sun set long ago and now stars were scattered in the sky and the moon was bright. A comfortable silence hung in the air as we laid on the blanket with our hands laced together as we looked up at the stars.

He sat up and turned over to grab his guitar which I never noticed was there. He began to strum and I soon realized it was my favorite song Stomach Tied in Knots.

Oh, my stomach’s tied in knots
I’m afraid of what I’ll find if you wanna talk tonight
Ooh ooh
See the problem isn’t you, it’s me, I know
I can tell, I’ve seen it time after time
And I’ll push you away (mmm)
I get so afraid, oh, no
And I can't live without you now
I can’t even live with myself
And I can't live without you now
And I don’t want nobody else
 Oh, my stomach’s tied in knots
I’m afraid of what I’ll find if I see you again tonight
Ooh ooh
See the problem isn’t you, it’s me, I know
I do this every single time
I’ll push you away
I get so afraid, oh, no
And I can't live without you now
I can’t even live with myself
And I can't live without you now
And I don’t want nobody else
 I only have myself to blame
But do you think we can start again?
I only have myself to blame
But do you think we can start again?
I only have myself to blame
But do you think we can start again?
I only have myself to blame
Let's start again
 I can't live without you
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
 And I can't live without you now
I can't even live with myself
I can't live without you now
And I don't want nobody else
 'Cause I can't live without you now
I can't even live with myself
 And I can't live without you now
'Cause I don't want nobody else
Nobody else
 I can't live without you
Oh oh

Tears welled up in my eyes... He put the guitar to the side and looked up. No words could do this justice so I tackled him in a hug and smashed my lips to his. This man I get to call my boyfriend was beyond romantic and cheesy but I love it.

"I thought it may have been a good way to let you know how much I love you." He whispered resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too so much Justin..." I replied kissing him again.

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