*Sarah* Like Stars (Jenna McDougall)

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My phone incessantly rang, each time it was my best friend, Jenna. Lead singer in Tonight Alive. She's been calling for hours but I refuse to answer. I was pissed. She told me earlier that she's moving to California with her band and going on tour for an entire year and she's leaving tonight. I feel bad getting mad but I feel worse she never told me... I thought we were best friends; we never kept things from each other. That was the way we were.

After another three phone calls and a dozen text messages I turned my phone off and yelled to my mom I was going for a drive. I had no idea where I was headed but I needed to clear my head. After a good hour of driving I ended up heading to a secluded beach. No one goes there because it's part of the beach cut off by rocks.

It was my safe haven, the place I always go to when I want t get away from the world and everything else. Carrying my shoes after climbing the rocks, I walked to my spot near the water and sat down. The sand was almost white and was soft. Waves quietly crashed along the shoreline. The sun was beginning to set causing the sky to become various shades of orange, pinks, and purples.  All you could hear was the waves. God only knows how long I've sat here...

"I knew I'd find you here..." Someone said behind me casusing to jump. I turned around to see Jenna. Not saying anything I turn my head to look back out at the sea.

"How'd you know I'd be here?" I asked quietly as she sat beside me.

"There's one place you go whenever you want to disappear... You're my best friend and you have been forever...." She trailed off glancing at me.

"I'm sorry about not telling you. But I had a good reason, it was just taking longer than excpected... You're my best friend and I don't want to lose that. It doesn't matter whether or not were next to each other or thousands of miles away I promise we'll hangout and I'll call you all the time." Jenna said grinning when she saw me crack a smile.

"Don't apologize you're getting to do what you've always wanted to and I'm sorry for overreacting. You're stuck with me forever so I want daily reports and bring me back a hot guy." I joked. We sat there joking and laughing for a while before I asked why she didn't leave yet.

"I had them push it back a week... And I have a present for you." She said dragging me to her car. Opening her trunk she pulled out a giant suitcase with something danging from the handle. I placed it on the ground. There was a necklace hangling from the handle. It was a silver pendant with a small star charm. It read Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

"It amazing... Is that the same one you're wearing? But why the suitcase?" I asked pulling the handle up. Her smile grew even wider and nodded.

"Well Sarah... You're my best fucking friend I can't do this without you... You're coming and your parents are moving your shit to Cali while you're on tour. So let's go, because you need to pack." She shouted excitedly. I'm moving to California and going on tour... Holy shit. I tackled her into a hug and we headed to my house to pack.

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