*Savannah* I Promise (Frank Iero)

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After years of living a nightmare I'm free... There's no need to fear everything anymore. My life can finally begin and I can do what I please. It seems too surreal... Tonight is the night, the night I finally get the chance to see and meet my favorite band, My Chemical Romance. I've waited for what felt like ages for the concert.

~After the Show~

It was one of the best concerts I've ever seen and better yet I am finally getting the chance to meet them. Unfortunately, I was one of the last people in line and it felt like hours until I was at the table.

"Hey, what's your name?" Frank Iero asked looking up from the table. He was by far one of my favorite musician.

"It's Savannah." I muttered becoming self-conscious. I was just praying I don't make myself look like an idiot.

"Beautiful name for a gorgeous girl..." He smiled making me blush. A few moments later he handed me the cd.

After the signing, when I arrived home I looked at their signatures to see Frank wrote a sweet note and his number. Contemplating on whether I should text or possibly call him I decided I'll just text him considering the time and shit.

Me: Hey it's Savannah from the signing :x

Within a matter of seconds he replied and we ended up talking all night long.

~Months Later~

Frank and I have become close friends since we met... But lately we haven't spoken. I had a feeling this would happen too. I'm not letting it get to me though... I got a new place, job, and I'm starting fresh. I need to forget my old life for good and keep moving on.

"Savannah?" Someone called out making me spin around. Frank...Iero... Frank, what is he doing here? He pulled me into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on a tour or something...?" I said slightly confused.

"Well I came to find you... Because I miss you and... I love you... I've been trying to find you for awhile after we met... Come with me...  I don't want to lose you again..." He trailed off looking down at me.

Should I just drop everything and go with him? I mean I do love him which seems impossible because we met at a concert and talked constantly over the phone...

"Yes..." I smiled as his face lit up.

~3 Years Later~

"You bitch!" My Father screamed raising his fist.

"Don't ever fucking do that again!" He yelled repeatedly swinging at me. I couldn't do move or do anything. All I could do is scream... I felt completely hopeless again.

I thought I could just escape this chapter of my life... That's all I've ever wanted... The bruises and scars faded but I can see them all again...

"Savannah! Savannah wake up!" Frank shook me awake and pulled me into his lap. He sat there and held me close.

"Another nightmare?" He asked wiping remaining tears.

"I promise I will never let anything hurt you ever again... The ring on your finger proves that I'll never leave." He mumbled looking at the diamond engagement ring.

"I love you..." I whispered yawning before resting me head against his chest.

"I love you too..." He replied kissing my head gently while playing with my hair.

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