*Hazel* Give Me the Honour (Oli Sykes)

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"Are we there yet?" I asked for the millionth time. My boyfriend, Oli Sykes was playing a gig at a venue nearby so we decided to just drive to the first show of their tour before he leaves. Suitcases were piled and stuffed in the back of the car. He had a shit ton of suitcases for this tour which he claimed it's a long tour and he needed to pack everything... Which i didn't bother questioning...

"We'll be there within twenty minutes..." He said not taking his eyes off the road. We kept driving in silence with music playing quietly. Oli has seemed on edge all day which has me worrying. Is he going to break up with me? Or has he done something wrong? Beginning to get restless I began playing with the hem of one of Oli's Drop Dead shirts I stole.

"You okay there love?" He questioned holding my hand, running his thumb across my knuckles glancing at me before his eyes went back on the road. I hummed a yes and stared out the window at the clouds looking as if they were painted. My eyelids grew heavy and I was lulled to sleep by Oli's humming and the quiet radio.

"Love c'mon, we're here" He murmured shaking me slightly to wake up. With a yawn and small stretch I woke up causing a smile to erupt on Oli's face. He held out his hand for me to take and lead me into the bus where we were greeted by the crew and the rest of the band. After arguing over helping lug bags onto the bus, helping with equipment, or over ridiculous things it was show time. I was excited to see Oli play even if I've seen there sets millions of times because he looks so happy out there and I just simply love watching him on stage. The guys and Oli were all acting strange and seemed even more anxious as they walked on stage. I found myself quietly singing every song they played. The guys were all grinning as Oli began talking.

"Babe, come on out here..." He said gesturing me to come out. I shyly shook my head as the crew tried nudging me out there. I still refused so one of my closest friend or widely known as Bring Me the Horizion's lead guitarist, Lee Malia walked off stage towards me. He handed the guitar tech his guitar and ended up throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me out. Oli laughed as Lee put me on my feet resulting in a punch in the arm.

"Well everyone, you know my lovely girlfriend, Hazel... We've been together for years now and I wouldn't be where I am today if you weren't here. You're everything to me and I couldn't possibly imagine a single day without you. Hazel, will you give me the honour of becoming Mrs. Sykes?" Oli asked into the microphone he was holding in one hand and the gorgeous diamond engangment ring in the other while down on one knee. Tears welled in my eyes as the crowd awh'd and shouted 'say yes'. I was in complete shock and couldn't trust my voice so I nodded as tears finally spilled from my eyes. Tackling him into a tight hug and burying my face into his shirt. I could hear his sigh of relief. We broke apart and he slipped the diamond ring onto my finger.

"Finish your set babe, I'll see you after... I love you." I mumbled before kissing him hard. Waving goodbye towards the crowd I walked off the stage. The crew congratulated me and the guys finished an amazing set. The guys walked off stage and all ran towards me pulling me into a giant sweaty group hug. Heading towards the bus we put on a movie, and such until it was late. I forgot he still had to go on tour.

"I should probably head home guys. Good luck and have fun on your tour..." I said standing up or attempted since Oli wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You can't leave, and your coming on tour too... Surprise..." He proclaimed burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"What? Why wouldn't you tell me before we left? I don't have any clothes or anything..." I declaimed which cause Oli to laugh and a few of the guys.

"I packed your suitcases before we left and I'll buy you anything want..." He responded causing me to relax and get back to whatever movie is on. I turned to Oli kissing his cheek and cuddling into him more looking at the diamond ring. Oli smiled and held my hand as I ran my thumb over his hand tattoos.

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