*Becky* Minnie and Mickey (Matt Flyzik)

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Being best friends with All Time Low had its perks like becoming friends with their girlfriends, which is how I met my best friend Cassadee Pope. The best perk had to be Matt Flyzik. He was amazing, he's my absolute best friend and he intoduced me to the band. The band and I instantly clicked with weird obessions, food, and music taste. I've always liked Matt, since we were kids... Cassadee and Rian know about it and are constantly making jokes.

"Halloween party!" Jack yelled randomly as we all sat around the tour bus. The crew and everyone shouted in agreement. Matt looked at the guys raising his eyebrow and shook his head not wanting to bother asking about the subject.

"We need costumes!" Cassadee shouted and a chorus of yes's and nods erupted from the group. She turned to Rian and whispered in his ear. A huge smirk broke out onto his face and he glanced at Matt then me, which can only mean they're planning something. As soon as the bus stopped we everyone ran out to go to the halloween store. Matt and I trailed behind talking until we were dragged opposite ways by Rian and Cassadee.

"C'mon Becky... I know the perfect costume..." She says pulling me towards racks of costumes. We both were carrying piles of costumes to try on. Jack and Alex were sword fighting while wearing a mixture of costumes that ranged from tiaras and diamonds to pirate hats and eye patches.

"Okay come on out!" Cassadee called out repeatedly and each time I'd have to go back and try on a new one. The last one was a Minnie Mouse costume... I slipped on the the mid thigh red poka-dotted dress and walked out.

"This is the one..." She said holding her own costume. I sighed in relief that we can leave... Unfortunately that didn't happen. Cassadee went crazy over accessories; picking out gloves, the ears and everything else...

The halloween party was the next night, after the show everyone ran back to their buses and got ready. Luckily we all had the day off tomorrow. Cassadee, the girlfriends, and I got ready in the back room. Cassadee and Lisa helped do my hair and make up. I felt ridiculious with white suspenders with yellow stillettos, the dress, gloves and everything. They literally dragged me out to the party. Alex was the first to spot me.

"Hey Minnie Mouse... You look like you need a drink and Mickey Mouse." He yelled over loud music and peoples chatter. I nodded and followed him only to run into Matt dressed up as Mickey Mouse. Alex winked and dissappeared into the crowd. I'm going to kill them all... Matt and I walked outside so we weren't in a loud, cramped tour bus.

"You look good Minnie..." He smirked causing me to blush. Makept his eyes on the ground nervously.

"Kiss her already, Dumbass!" Someone yelled making us turn around to see everyone looking at us and shouting. We looked at each other before I decided to just kiss him. Smashing my lips to his the shouting got louder and Matt's arms made their way around my waist.   

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