*Luna* A Trip to the Record Store (Chris Motionless)

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I walked down the sidewalk, passing window displays filled with pale mannequins dressed in colorful clothes. After a few blocks I made it to my oasis in the madness we live in. Walking into the record store a breeze hit me, which was relaxing considering it's hotter than hell outside.

Vinyl, CD's, and a small variety of cassette tapes lined the shelves. Band posters, paintings and small trinkets littered the walls. I've always loved coming to the record shop and buying new albums. Nothing is better than going to the store and buying an album... Every album has an amazing cover and no record is the same.

There was one particular album I need to find... The newest Slipknot album, Antennas to Hell. It just came out yesterday and this is the only album I don't have. I walked past a few people and large collections of every type of music headed towards my favorite section... Metal. Skimming through CD's carefully alphabetized I managed to find Slipknot within a few minutes. Finally I found Antennas to Hell... as I reached for it someone else did too...

"Oh sorry here..." A deep voice said making me look up to see the hottest guy, wearing all black, insanely tall, dark eyes with black outlining his eyes, three silver lip rings and colorful tattoos decorating his skin.

"O-oh umm th-thanks" I stuttered still in complete awe. I must seem like a total creep staring... His towering figure makes me feel like a child.

"So you're a fan of Slipknot?" He asked glancing at me as he grabbed a few albums. I nodded not wanting to say anything embarrassing or stutter. Getting a better look at the album he grabbed I saw it was the same album. With a sudden boost of confidence I managed to introduce myself.

"My names Luna..." I said with a small smile. Fidgeting with the CD in my hand and biting the inside of my cheek becoming nervous from over thinking... God, I probably look like a nervous wreck... Why is he even talking to me?

"Chris, and I love your name... It suits you. Not to sound weird." He replied and laughed at his own comment. The conversation continued as we walked around the store before paying for our stuff. Walking out of the shop we were greeted with scorching, cringe-worthy heat.

"Wanna walk around... maybe get ice cream since it's like hell outside?" He asked peering down at me curiously.

Sounds fun..." I answered feeling oddly comfortable around him. We talked and laughed all day... Ended up buying huge ice cream cones which he paid for after arguing like an old married couple.  The sun was setting by the time we decided to walk to the park and ended up sitting on a bench. I only met him today, but I feel like I've known him my entire life... Chris is hilarious, super sweet, and amazing. I was already beginning to fall for this guy after meeting him merely hours ago. The only light was from the bright moon and a few flickering street lamps outlining the roads. Very few people walked the streets either on their phones or talking with another. I didn't want this day to end... 

"It's getting really late... I should probably get home." I mumbled sadly fishing for my car keys in my bag.

"I'll walk you to your car..." He smiled as we walked down the quiet streets passing empty and closed stores. Our conversations still continued and the silence that began to fall over us was comfortable. After walking blocks we made it to my car.

"So I guess this is goodnight... Thank you for everything today, Chris." I said quietly. Smiles playing on both of our lips. I became interested in my shoes trying to hide the blush hoping he won't be able to tell.

"I'd like to do this again sometime... So here's my number. Goodnight Luna..." He mumbled handing me a paper with digits sprawled out in black ink. Before unlocking my car doors, I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. My face probably looks like it was colored in with a red crayola crayon. Dropping my arms to my sides and made my way to the drivers side.

"Luna, you forgot something!" He said causing me to spin around. Meeting halfway we stood face to face. He leaned down smashing his lips to mine. His metal lip rings were cold against my lips but the kiss was perfect. Splitting apart I was left in a daze with a hot red face. This day was the best... All it started out was a trip to the record store.

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