*Taylor* All Part of the Plan (Josh Balz)

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I was over Ricky's house waiting for all the guys to come over... They wanted to do a horror movie marathon but no one was here yet so I was hanging out with Ricky's girlfriend, Jessica.

"Taylor, I need your help with something upstairs..." Jessica said leading me upstairs. There was loud knocking and shouting at the front door. Contemplating on whether or not to walk down stairs I stood in the doorway attempting to eavesdrop.

"Rick Olsen! Get Down!" There was a chorus of shouts from the living room. I carefully crept towards the stairs peering around the corner to make sure no one would see me.

"Where is she?!" A familiar voice yelled. I quietly made my way down the stairs to see Ricky in hand cuffs and everyone in cop costumes with MIW booty shorts. I stifled a laugh by covering my mouth with my hands. Josh was had a construction helmet with three flashlights on it which looked hilarious. I've always had a crush on Josh... We're best friends and have been since I first started working as their merch girl. They were all holding pellet guns. When TJ accidentally shot his causing me to jump backwards. Jessica laughed as they dragged her boyfriend into the garage.

Devin noticed me standing there, but instead if saying anything winked as the passed by. I followed them listening to Josh questioning Ricky. The other guys began yelling PCP and their voices merged into an obnoxious mess. Jess stood next to me behind the car where they wouldn't notice us.

"What to mess with them? You're the hostage." She whispered smirking glancing at me. I nodded as she pulled a pellet gun out and we walked to the edge of the car. Wrapping an arm loosely around my neck she dragged me out into the open with the gun pointed at me.

"Don't move! Drop your guns!" She yelled as they all stared at us pointed their guns at us before dropping them on the floor.

"Give me Ricky for the girl..." She demanded. After a short discussion between the "cops" They Ricky to Jessica and tossed me into Josh's arms causing me to blush.  

"We're the Louisana Police Department and we got the wrong guy..." Devin said laughing. We all kept joking around, running about the house shooting the pellet guns, and so on. Josh kept his arms around me as the guys joked about us. Ricky, his girlfriend, and Devin knew I liked Josh... Which explains why Devin winked when they saw me standing there and why I was the "hostage". Suddenly Josh's lips smashed to mine causing cheers to erupt from the group.

"W-what?-- This was all part of the plan wasn't it...?" I asked which ended up with a group of nods and yes's. I looked up at Josh to see a cheeky smile, leading to the conclusion he knew. I pecked his cheek and walked into the house to watch a horror movie.

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